Kermit knows whats up, that's a trick of the trade! It looks like you are still within your first few weeks of flowering, so they will not run the risk of botrytis (bud mold) by spraying your buds. Although it is not an organic supplement, I did use to use the Dutch Master Reverse for situations like this. It is made so that it will stop the continued growth of male pollen sacks and/or flowers. Reverse was taken off of the market because of an unregistered PGR that was in it. One local store seems to still stock it by me, but they are charging a ridiculous price for it. This is why I have chosen not to use it anymore
I have recently come across this new product called SWITCH, and it has completely replaced the Reverse. It looks the same, works the same, but it obviously is registered or else it wouldn't have made it on the market. I had some friends in other states looking for it, and can't find anyone that has it in stock. I found it at Monster Gardens' store in Nor Cal for a really inexpensive price (especially cheap compared to what I have been spending on Reverse the past few months at other local stores)! The only thing is that you have to use it with their surfactant (wetting/delivery agent), and spray with the lights on to make the product work correctly. They said that they will be putting it up on the website as soon as they are done making the video on it. Check it out, it works really well!
Hope this helps! -Cheif