
Married Juana

Active Member
Have 12 plants going, half way through week 3 i noticed all of my querkle strain plants had a couple bannanas in them. Seems like its genetics since none of my other strains have any. The querkle plants are lookin fantasic tho, trichs everywhere and smells amazing. Growing these until week 8 seems unrealistic but i was considering to let them grow for another week maybe two just to get some more buds out of them. How long does it take bannanas to produce pollen? And how risky would this idea be?
Right now the bannanas are short, not sticking out past the white hairs


Well-Known Member
Them bananas will bust a nut on your gals very soon, if not already. It only takes one little sac to bust open and your done. You won't be able to keep track of all those nanners..unless your gay. LOL. I personally would move them to a different room and collect the pollen or throw them out back and lawn mower them up. Good luck chuck!!