BART Police kill unarmed man


New Member
Pretty crappy video, must be cell phone video. I saw a lot of people screaming at the police, they were probably scared shitless, So it will remain to be seen if it was justified. Maybe that guy attacked. Can't really tell from the video.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
my son will be 22 this june ...this crap bothers me ,could it ever be justified , taking the life of a 22 year old???


Well-Known Member
I can imagine it was an accident. But still, how can you draw loaded, usecured gun at someone cuffed, lying on the stomach??


New Member
Riots in Oakland CA yesterday. Shit got ugly. People are disgruntled and it's not going to take much for the whole country to go insane.


Well-Known Member
THis is horrable story... I am pissed about this and unky sam isnt going to give a shit this guy should be sent to his death!


Well-Known Member
Things are getting very close to getting completly out of control...very soon something tremendously horrible will happen to this country in my opinion.


New Member
It's like if you take a bottle of soda and put the cap on really loose and then shake the shit out of it, eventually that cap is going to pop off and the mess that spews out is going to be insane.


Well-Known Member
This story is so fucked up, everytime i see it, it just pisses me right the fuck off. Hopefully his death wont go unpunished.


Well-Known Member
as soon as the officer fired off a shot he KNEW he was screwed! Nothing in any of the videos I have seen showed that this was justified in the least, these are supposed to be pros and they are supposed to know how to control these kind of situations, ISN'T that part of the training?