Basement cupboard drying. Is 1 circulating fan and a few holes enough? (dont have a spare exhaust/inline fan)


Active Member
Hi guys, would appreciate your advice, 1st time grower... Main question - are intake/ehaust fans needed for a smallyield dry?

my first harvest will be in an about 3-4 weeks
It will be a poor one, since I made a lot of mistakes (underfed,underwatered etc) but I am hoping for 3 ounces total from 3 plants.
Now about drying.

I have a separate basement (temperature 55-70, humidity about 50-60%)
I have 1 small fan (12v I think)
I have an about 30x20x30 inch cupboard.
  1. Do I need an intake fan to suck air out of cupboard (I dont have one)
  2. How many/big holes should I make for good air circulation?
My solution (Is it good enough???)
  1. In the cupboard, Just like a tent, make 1 hole at the bottom and 1 hole at the top on the opposite site.
  2. Place/hang buds near the side where the hole is on top
  3. Place the small fan near the other (lower) hole -for tents thats usually where passive intake holes are.
  4. PROBABly put some netting on both holes, so little bugs dont get in.
  5. Turn the fan on , not pointing at buds, and check temp and humidity.
I would draw a picture, but I am no Picasso.

So basically - can I build a wooden dry box with 2 (maybe 1 is enough, or need 3?) openings for passive air intake/exit and a small fan for circulation? Without intake/exhaust fans? Are there any issues I might run into?
Thanks for advice!
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