Bashir Resigns over Palin comments


Well-Known Member
What's fair is fair. Baldwin got the can for his comments, so should Bashir.


Well-Known Member
What's fair is fair. Baldwin got the can for his comments, so should Bashir.
I bet it came down more to show ratings and whatever exorbitant salary they had to pay Bashir rather than any of the MSNBC administration feeling any remorse about what he said about Palin...

Or maybe 1 of the 5 people actually watching threatened to quit...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
What's fair is fair. Baldwin got the can for his comments, so should Bashir.
waiting for ed schultz, rachel maddow, al sharpton and barrack obama to show the kind of character and sense of SHAME that bashir demonstrates.


Well-Known Member
waiting for ed schultz, rachel maddow, al sharpton and barrack obama to show the kind of character and sense of SHAME that bashir demonstrates.
Ed can be a bit overboard sometimes. But can you please post some videos showing Rachel and Al being this way?


Well-Known Member
I bet it came down more to show ratings and whatever exorbitant salary they had to pay Bashir rather than any of the MSNBC administration feeling any remorse about what he said about Palin...

Or maybe 1 of the 5 people actually watching threatened to quit...
No, I think it was a what's fair is fair argument. And MSNBC is trying to play the middle of the road card. Not sure how effective it will be.


Well-Known Member
Could you please, kindly, post videos of these incidents so that I may judge for myself without having your biased slander cast over the assertion?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Ed can be a bit overboard sometimes. But can you please post some videos showing Rachel and Al being this way?
You really need help to discover that Al Sharpton is a race pimp?

Tawana Brawley... Crown Heights... This guy makes Louis Farrakan look good by comparison. He is an MSNBC fave, though.


Well-Known Member
You really need help to discover that Al Sharpton is a race pimp?

Tawana Brawley... Crown Heights... This guy makes Louis Farrakan look good by comparison. He is an MSNBC fave, though.
Interesting about that. When I look this up, all I see is right wing propaganda opinion videos about the subject. But nothing of fact or any video of Al Sharpton himself saying anything. Maybe I am looking in the wrong spot.

Could you please point me to the video of Al speaking to this please.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Interesting about that. When I look this up, all I see is right wing propaganda opinion videos about the subject. But nothing of fact or any video of Al Sharpton himself saying anything. Maybe I am looking in the wrong spot.

Could you please point me to the video of Al speaking to this please.
Your hero, Sharpton:

"Pagones had also sued Brawley. She defaulted by not appearing at the trial, and the judge ordered her to pay him damages of $185,000.[SUP][28][/SUP] The $65,000 judgment levied against Al Sharpton was paid for him in 2001 by supporters, including attorney Johnnie Cochran plus former businessman Earl G. Graves, Jr.[SUP][29][/SUP][SUP][30][/SUP] In December 2012, the New York Post reported that Maddox had paid his judgment of $97,000 and Mason was making payments on the $188,000 which he owed. Brawley reportedly had not made any payments.[SUP][31][/SUP] The following month a court ordered her wages garnished to pay Pagones.[SUP][32][/SUP][SUP][33]"[/SUP]

"As examples, they point to anti-Semitic statements made by protesters throughout the rioting, and comments made at Gavin Cato’s funeral. In his eulogy at the funeral, the Rev. Al Sharpton made comments about "diamond dealers" and commented "It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights."[SUP][17][/SUP] In addition, a banner displayed at the funeral read "Hitler did not do the job".

"On the third day of the disturbances, Al Sharpton and Sonny Carson led a march that of protesters.[SUP][21][/SUP] The marchers proceeded through Crown Heights, carrying antisemitic signs and an Israeli flag was burned.[SUP][21][/SUP][SUP][22][/SUP] Rioters threw bricks and bottles at police; shots were fired at police and police cars were pelted and overturned, including the Police Commissioner’s car.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][14]"[/SUP]


Well-Known Member
Your hero, Sharpton:

"Pagones had also sued Brawley. She defaulted by not appearing at the trial, and the judge ordered her to pay him damages of $185,000.[SUP][28][/SUP] The $65,000 judgment levied against Al Sharpton was paid for him in 2001 by supporters, including attorney Johnnie Cochran plus former businessman Earl G. Graves, Jr.[SUP][29][/SUP][SUP][30][/SUP] In December 2012, the New York Post reported that Maddox had paid his judgment of $97,000 and Mason was making payments on the $188,000 which he owed. Brawley reportedly had not made any payments.[SUP][31][/SUP] The following month a court ordered her wages garnished to pay Pagones.[SUP][32][/SUP][SUP][33]"[/SUP]

"As examples, they point to anti-Semitic statements made by protesters throughout the rioting, and comments made at Gavin Cato’s funeral. In his eulogy at the funeral, the Rev. Al Sharpton made comments about "diamond dealers" and commented "It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights."[SUP][17][/SUP] In addition, a banner displayed at the funeral read "Hitler did not do the job".

"On the third day of the disturbances, Al Sharpton and Sonny Carson led a march that of protesters.[SUP][21][/SUP] The marchers proceeded through Crown Heights, carrying antisemitic signs and an Israeli flag was burned.[SUP][21][/SUP][SUP][22][/SUP] Rioters threw bricks and bottles at police; shots were fired at police and police cars were pelted and overturned, including the Police Commissioner’s car.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][14]"[/SUP]
Yep, that's pretty shitty. I've never really been an Al Sharpton fan, but that does not help things for him.

I could argue however, not unlike every tea party rally I've ever seen, there are always a few douche-nuggets in a crowd. Could this be the same?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Could you please, kindly, post videos of these incidents so that I may judge for myself without having your biased slander cast over the assertion?
first you must present videos proving that OJ simpson murdered those two white people.

...ohh you mean he wasnt foolish enough to do it on camera? ohh how unfortunate.
i guess The Juice WAS innocent after all.

whoops no video demonstrating that Zimmies murdered poor innocent trayvon?
well zimmie is innocent too.

no videos of clinton getting a hummer?
also innocent.

fortunately Al Sharpton is not as smart as those cats:

unfortunately he saves his real madness and hate for those moments when there is no camera present.

audio recordings and written notes from journalists are evidence enough for most people, but you want VIDEO...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Yep, that's pretty shitty. I've never really been an Al Sharpton fan, but that does not help things for him.

I could argue however, not unlike every tea party rally I've ever seen, there are always a few douche-nuggets in a crowd. Could this be the same?
So, Al Sharpton led the charge to falsely charge a man with raping a child, and he incited a race riot that caused the murders of several innocent men, and now he is firmly embraced by the progressives and has a job as an opinion maker at MSNBC.

And your response is... TEA PARTY! Those darn TEA partiers sure are racist. Yes, sir.

Crawl back into the hole with your fellow progs, and set about "expecting your life's essentials" to be provided.

<edit> Here is a Jew's perspective on Sharpton and the Crown Heights pogrom:,4242

desert dude

Well-Known Member
MSNBC seems to be staffed by misogynists, homophobes and racists. Our resident progs are quick to defend them, though.


Well-Known Member
So, Al Sharpton led the charge to falsely charge a man with raping a child, and he incited a race riot that caused the murders of several innocent men, and now he is firmly embraced by the progressives and has a job as an opinion maker at MSNBC.

And your response is... TEA PARTY! Those darn TEA partiers sure are racist. Yes, sir.

Crawl back into the hole with your fellow progs, and set about "expecting your life's essentials" to be provided.

<edit> Here is a Jew's perspective on Sharpton and the Crown Heights pogrom:,4242
You seem to be confusing me with someone else. I do not defend anyone, regardless of political affiliation, who is an outright bigot, sexist, etc. Therefore, in seeing some of the videos kindly posted by Miss KKKynes, I have come to my own conclusion that Al Sharpton should not deserve a television spot on any network, including MSNBC.

Yet without allowing me to respond after being shown proof, you assume I would defend.

Assumptions are the bane of your existence eh?


Well-Known Member
first you must present videos proving that OJ simpson murdered those two white people.

...ohh you mean he wasnt foolish enough to do it on camera? ohh how unfortunate.
i guess The Juice WAS innocent after all.

whoops no video demonstrating that Zimmies murdered poor innocent trayvon?
well zimmie is innocent too.

no videos of clinton getting a hummer?
also innocent.

fortunately Al Sharpton is not as smart as those cats:

unfortunately he saves his real madness and hate for those moments when there is no camera present.

audio recordings and written notes from journalists are evidence enough for most people, but you want VIDEO...
Very different analogies you posed. Something provable by forensic evidence, the other only by intent. Interesting videos nonetheless.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
You seem to be confusing me with someone else. I do not defend anyone, regardless of political affiliation, who is an outright bigot, sexist, etc. Therefore, in seeing some of the videos kindly posted by Miss KKKynes, I have come to my own conclusion that Al Sharpton should not deserve a television spot on any network, including MSNBC.

Yet without allowing me to respond after being shown proof, you assume I would defend.

Assumptions are the bane of your existence eh?
You needed somebody else to enlighten you about Sharpton? Enough said. Stick with the progressives, they are clearly your intellectual pack.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

desert dude

Well-Known Member