BC Court decision on house insurance and growing

Called my township, they are going to ban shipping containers, but not before I have mine. Too bad suckas! Also since 8x10x8 is under 108sq feet you don't need a permit to use as an attachment shed (in ON). A lot of places have banned them now though.
It is the same people who cannot stand the sight of a trailer in the neighborhood. I grew up in a trailer park in a city that long ago banned trailers/mobile homes/manufactured homes from being legal on private lots. Go figure.
Just an FYI...unless that Master electrician is a certified ESA contractor with a valid business #...his work won’t pass insurance requirements, even if the work was done to code. You’re better off saying you did the electrical work yourself, as no permits are required for homeowners...as long as the diy project was done to code.

Are you sure about that last part?

I was looking into this for my project as I don't want to touch any existing wiring or add any new wiring in any existing structure for my container project. According to the Ontario ESA, by law if you do any work yourself other than changing a 2 pole light or light switch, you need a 79$ permit and inspection or your insurance may deny coverage. Check out this page:


Even changing a receptacle that is GFCI. Basically doing anything by yourself without a licensed electrical contractor is going to require a permit and inspection.