beans dead or alive?


Well-Known Member
Don't know why no germ. Dug em up & looked dried out. I peeled it apart & put in water. The meat is still there so I put in tiny lid of water & it turned white. I put it in peat pellet. Will it live?


Well-Known Member
Oh what damn i totally under watered it. I put it into a peat pellet. Fuck that sux the meat was still white never made a taproot


Well-Known Member
Uh I just use paper towel till it cracks & comes out a little. Then I put in ffxoc not too deep in my green room like 78-80 degrees & 40-60% humidity.


Well-Known Member
I totally need a new germ system way idea damn something! Its a wonder my blueberrys made it! I about to flip them


Well-Known Member
I totally need a new germ system way idea damn something! Its a wonder my blueberrys made it! I about to flip them
I got a pack of 100 3fl oz plastic cups. 1 bean per cup. They'll take 24/48 hours to sink and typically crack withing 12 hours. Once they crack, I plant them in my soil. Saves me having to deal with paper towels, handling them with my fingers. I can just pour them right in to the center of my soil, water and all. If they hang up, I tap the bottom of the cup. So far it's been a nearly flawless method. The only issues I had were with bag seeds, but sshh I don't really count those.


Well-Known Member
Basically what I do. I think I underwatered, over at first I think then I let dry out too dry fuck. It had white meat come back to life. Will it die? Be honest I can take it! (I think)


Well-Known Member
Basically what I do. I think I underwatered, over at first I think then I let dry out too dry fuck. It had white meat come back to life. Will it die? Be honest I can take it! (I think)
From what I've found out over the years, that's the crucial part of life. Not sure how long you had your's planted though. I give mine up to 10 days before I go poking, late bloomers.
Chances are it's dead though, especially if you touched the seed or root with your fingers.
What you could do. Get a solo cup or something fill it with moist soil. Put the seed in there, loosely cover with plastic wrap and stick in the corner of your grow room and see, never know.
Speaking of plastic wrap, let me give you some more insight on my germ/sprout method.
My soil is usually moist, (i water it fully about a week before I plan on planting) this keeps it moist all the way to the edge of the pot and all the way down.
After I put my seed in I cover it with a sheet of clear plastic and leave it loose. Once a day I pull it off, allow fresh air under and recover. This keeps the soil from drying out to fast near the top, retains warmth as well. Once I see the firs sign of my sprout, plastic goes bye bye.
Because I water the whole pot, until run off, a week prior, it's kept the soil moist enough to where I don't need to water for about a week or more after my sprout comes up.


Well-Known Member
OK I was carefully brushing away layer by layer of soil like Howard carter till I found it I no touch used tweezers to extract. I put in tiny cup of water & it hydrated & turned white. OK I cover with saran wrap. Thank you man!


Well-Known Member
OK I was carefully brushing away layer by layer of soil like Howard carter till I found it I no touch used tweezers to extract. I put in tiny cup of water & it hydrated & turned white. OK I cover with saran wrap. Thank you man!
If it turned white that is a good sign. Keep me posted on what happens, remember give it about ten days, or heck 2 weeks. Then carefully check to see if the root has grown any. I know long time to wait, but what do you really have to lose at this point?


Well-Known Member
OK so I sort of panicked & put it in apeat pellet because iI know it will hold the water. Since I have such a pprroblemmm with water! Jeezzz! OK I keep posted. They laughed etc when I put one of my first tiny clones in old water bottles! I just transplant them today



Well-Known Member
OK so I sort of panicked & put it in apeat pellet because iI know it will hold the water. Since I have such a pprroblemmm with water! Jeezzz! OK I keep posted. They laughed etc when I put one of my first tiny clones in old water bottles! I just transplant them today
They're so cute when they're little.


Well-Known Member
I know right? I was brokey no rooting gel nothing. All survived! I did get a sample of clonex on Saturday try on my next run not taking anymore flipping tonight!


Well-Known Member
I know right? I was brokey no rooting gel nothing. All survived! I did get a sample of clonex on Saturday try on my next run not taking anymore flipping tonight!
I haven't tried cloning, yet. I use a root stimulation solution for my grows though. Stuff smells like fish diarrhea farts but it works.