becomming a caregiver what does it mean?

I am thinking about becoming a caregiver for a friend with his card. I have been trying to find info on what all this entails and how ti all works. I have read a few things but come up empty on answers. Basicly I am looking for an article or something that outlines; the requirements, who has your info, what that info is, so on and so forth.

Also how does one usually handle business with patients as far as; payment, who buys the seeds/clones/plants, legal delivery, best ways to handle business?

Thanks for any info. search links are awesome also, cause I can never seem to figure out the right search terms to find what I am looking for.



Well-Known Member
Caregivers must now register with the DOR as a caregiver and open themselves to inspections. They cannot charge more than their own costs, must offer more than just providing marijuana and the cops like to hassle caregivers more than anyone else in the industry. Also I believe the Dept Of Health just passed a new regulation stating that if someone is capable of walking they can no longer designate or use a caregiver, they must use a dispensary.


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about becoming a caregiver for a friend with his card. I have been trying to find info on what all this entails and how ti all works. I have read a few things but come up empty on answers. Basicly I am looking for an article or something that outlines; the requirements, who has your info, what that info is, so on and so forth.

Also how does one usually handle business with patients as far as; payment, who buys the seeds/clones/plants, legal delivery, best ways to handle business?

Thanks for any info. search links are awesome also, cause I can never seem to figure out the right search terms to find what I am looking for.

step one is contact a lawyer with these questions and see if he/she will represent you when you get raided for "allegedly" selling pot


Well-Known Member
step one is contact a lawyer with these questions and see if he/she will represent you when you get raided for "allegedly" selling pot
Word. I stopped being a caregiver when the new regs rolled out. The reality is that you can be a caregiver for your friend without having him/her register you as such. You'll be limited to your plant count (3 flowering) but you can get plenty of medicine from those three if you grow them big.


Well-Known Member
Want to Caregive/OWN A MMC in Denver, Think again! MMED preparring for full on harassment campain! Ever been IRS audited?? Did you know they will NOT ALLOW alot of your "costs/Deduction" only COG in addition to they will nit pick your entire finacial life and you will guranteed to be audited to the bone and pay a higher amount than you had filed due to federal law!!! They Will SMile and be Pleasant while they FORK YOU!!!

First hand stories of Preliminary MMED investagions are revealing behind scenes "harrasment" such as social services being called if a patient has children, turning over to IRS, or full-scale raids/Legal Ramifications.

Ridiculous Investigations into Nutrient/Soil Waste/Storage procedures, Hazardous materials approved worksheets, blueprints, proof of lease MMJ friendly, INSURANCE, SECURITY to certain levels, VERIFICATION OF PRODUCTION even for just a six plant GROW!!!
Possible Registration Requierments, with outline preset criteria for eligibility, full background/fingerprinting /IRS disclosure/Bank account examination for caregiver status

Want to KNOW Why all the Weed at the Dispensary's SUCKS right now?? No one can afford to WHOLESALE, because there is no weed within the RING of LICENSED OPCL/MMCS!! MMC can only buy legally from other MMCs
Everyone is barely growing enough to stay in business right now, MOST DISP dont even have a running warehouse ATM!!! SHIT WEED is $20-$25 1/8 GOOD WEED is LIKE $40-$50 1/8...

And while it may recover, the fact that ONLY COG can determine your deduction against your sales on taxes will put MANY, MANY out of business and allow for ONLY MMCS WHO OWN thier OPCL to function as one.
And worse the longer certain MMC companies continue to sell MMJ after buying it from OPCL's the bigger the TAX bill they are making for themselves without even realizing it. There is one company who has been told they owe $2Million Dollars!!!!!

10 years ago PEOPLE were screaming LEAGALIZE Medical POT, and looking at what I see growing within the minds of our goverment is not just taxation, but discrimination/cleansing/and opportunity for them to OWN colorado MMJ users I am really starting to think this is gonna be bad....

ALL we are doing is supporting the GOVERMENT SELLING MORE DRUGS, pot should have been left to the casual stoner who chose to grow in his basement, This WEBSITE is devoted to that.
We get violently mixed in our emotions as stoners, and want freedom for our lifestyle. But I think the type of freedom we may get is nothing more than regulated, beaucratic, and invasive.

I often have to remind myself and many people that THIS is MEDICAL Pot, and 5/6's of the people in the business cannot have a place in the END game, simply because of there ideoligies or personal choices, we either get with the program and become WESTERN MEDICINE DRUG SLINGERS WITH bad Ass Acounting, and Political Backing, oh and a SMILE saying we are doing this for SICK people, or slide back into the streets and grow pot underground again!
