Beer - can getting your plants drunk help them grow stronger?

beer is mostly water with some carbs if you go dark and carbs are always good for plants. I would say something like I love my beer too much to give it to a plant, but I dont drink, so throw all the beer down the drain and smoke

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
not sure but i will try this on one of my other house plants sometime. I mean i know beer on tap has not only co2 but nitrogen. Maybe beer will give you a little food but it def dont have the right NPK mix for your plants.


Well-Known Member
Crazy, I've heard of people watering with soda (cola) for the phosphoric acid...... Not something I would do though.........


Sector 5 Moderator
I don't think the alcohol would be good for them but the rest couldn't be anything but good. I've used coffee grounds in my soil mix before, and yesterdays coffee to water them with but that's been being done for a long time by flower gardeners.


Well-Known Member
Crazy, I've heard of people watering with soda (cola) for the phosphoric acid...... Not something I would do though.........
stupidest shit ever right there. i hate stupid people like that.

i gave a friend a clone, he's a cool guy, keeps his mouth shut and just likes to smoke. he said he knew how to grow it..... 2 weeks later, he comed and gives me a shitload of lights and 1 rotarty fan, and this exact quote "i watered it with sprite to make the buds taste good, but it died." it was a 2 week old clone, not even flowering.....

i "homebrew" fertalizer beer for my plants :D basicly compost tea, except you add 2x the mollasis and ferment it for 2 weeks, then add the bubbler for 5 days and feed to the plants. basicly beer, but beer for the plants. shit works amazing.


On this note i use beer on my lovely ladies and i tell you what they love it...once a week (meaning every 7 days sometimea 5) i use a half cup per gallon of water and they seriously spruce up real nice! You figure yeast is a bacteria and the co2 is what plants feed really you cant go wrong if you dont over over do i mean its watered down quite a bit...never tried it on indoor because it dosent fit the regimen but my larger outdoor ladies just love of course have to feed it other nutes but in between feeding they thrive...have fun and let them enjoy the sunlight..ill post some before watered with beer and after watered with beer pics for everyone


Active Member
Too many things are going awry here:

A.) If we are talking soil here, and the beer is supposed to be 'flat', then I'd say make sure its really flat then aerate it with an airstone.

Not only does the plant not need much CO2 at the root level, it actually needs O2 to uptake nutrients, and thwart the growth of pathogenic anaerobic microbes.

B.) Any benefits you are trying to see from adding yeast as a microbe with cheap beer are mitigated by the brewing process. Oftentimes, the yeast is what gives beer its "signature" flavors. Many macrobrewers (large breweries) ensure that all yeast are dead or filtered out as a way to ensure clarity in the beverage and so potential competitors do not extract that specific yeast strain and copy their beer recipe.

C.) The sugars in beer also may contribute to a significantly higher population of harmful bacteria in the rhizosphere, raising pH, and possibly causing pH related nutrient lockout.

Word of caution: Don't go balls deep on your whole crop without trying this method on a small scale first (ESPECIALLY INDOORS). At least it can be washed away outdoors.

Lastly: This is the author's qualifications when writing this article,
Taken from

Laura Schluckebier (whose last name is German for "drinker of beer") is a student at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. She's a double major in Communication and Classical Studies. She watches way too much TV and is a diehard Joss Whedon fan. She's the Associate Producer of the Trinity student-run show and hopes to one day pursue a career in television. Her favorite things in life include Torchy's Tacos in Austin, Battlestar Galactica , and her well-loved Harry Potter books."


Well-Known Member
Damn i have never taken the time to water random shit in my ladies, but i have a friend that strictly waters gatorade and thr fucking buds are huge! Idk wtf gatorade does for them though i would never attemp it ir even beer

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
If its American beer you should be ok. Do not feed it Canadian beer though, you'll come in 24hrs later and she'll have torn off all her leaves and be smokin a cigarette.