beginner problem stuck between rock and hard place


Well-Known Member
before i start i would just like to say thanks in advance for all who visit this thread. i started and planted way to many seeds now my problem is i have ~50 bagseed plants and a white widow clone. the plants are about 2 weeks old and have been stretched. what i want to know is how many plants should i have and how do i determine which one i should get rid of? any and all help is appreciated and please dont call me a dumba$$ or make any rude remarks im just lookin for friendly advice. thanks



Well-Known Member
If my seedlings ever stretch to much i would just plant them back down deeper so that the stem that grew up to tall will then make new roots.
What kind of fluro tubes are you using.
Might be worth your while considering investing in a mh bulb for better growth or some professional cfls.

Pro high wattage cfl bulbs can be had for 20 quid/40 dollars nowadays.
The amount of plants that you should have is not a set rule its just dependent on how much space and light and work you want to have to do.
I have 27 on the go and thats a bit of work and i have to try to keep them short and fat.

To determine which to keep and which to cull that is also dependant on how many males/females you get and how you think they look strength wise.

Some plants always look better than others even if they are treated the exact same way the just still look a bit crap i have found whilst others look brilliant so its all about your choosing the best ones once you start into 12/12 or possibly even ditching a few runts before that if your low on space:blsmoke:


New Member
You have the germination stage goin on. Too many plants per container, usually one per is good. They look to me as if they are stretching a little too far. You either need more light, or to move the light you have closer or both.
Im new here to, so I wont give you any shit. And if Im wrong about any of what i have posted, let one of the big dogs come in here and say something. I could use the advice myself.Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
How many plants you can grow to is going to be determined by how much room you have and how much light you can provide. I don't know how much you know about growing weed so forgive me if I'm giving basic info. A good rule of thumb is 50w of light per sq. foot of floor space.

With that many plants I personally would do a SOG type of grow. If you don't know what that is I'm sure it's in the growfaq. Basically plants are grown for a short time in veg. then put into flower. You can squeeze a lot more plants into a SOG grow but you get much less yield per plant. But with the amount you have .... a regular grow your probably going to have to get rid of the majority of those seedlings.


Well-Known Member
i cant lower the light any more due to the fact the have stretched so far the are right under the light in most places. the time i have to dedicate to this is unlimited as i do not work or realy leave the house unless i need to get baked. idk what kind of tubes the are but i know they have been used for growing before and worked fine. my problem is i need to get rid of some now as i know i do not have enough light for all of them. what ones do you guys think i should pull? and how many do you think i should have under the tubes and 4 cfls?


Well-Known Member
ok I type too slow.... 2nd time this morning nat got a reply up in the time it took me to post mine.
Lol sorry i will take a smoke break.
Everyones still entitled to post up their ways of doing stuff.
I am not intending on dominating the boards,i am just bored shitless right now and scanning the boards.:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks that is what i was thinking pull the most stretched ones. how many do you think i could grow with the sog method under the lighting conditions? also heard lots of great stuff about that book just to broke to buy it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
go to a book store and read it and write down the stuff you want to remember. - it is a small book with lots of pictures so it shouldn't take very long. i think both borders and barnes and noble carry the book in stock.

i don't have any SoG experience so won't comment.

my opinion is that yield and quality are more dependent on experience than any other single factor.