Beginner's Questions


Active Member
Hi there.

I am a beginner in pot growing. I planted some seeds in organic soil just for interest sake to see how they grow etc. But a week later they started growing and I just fell in love with them! Now i want to learn everything I possibly can to make my plant the best MaryJane i can.

My questions:

1) When should they start flowering?
2) Which is the best between the male and the female?
3) Is it true that if you "feed" your plant hormones, that it will grow stronger?

My plants are about 1 inch tall already and would like to look after them as best as i can to make sure they are good plants.

Please, any other advise / help will really be appreciated.

Peace Out bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well first of all, look at the grow faq at the top of the page.

1) they will start flowering when u turn ur flowering lights to 12/12 or when the time is right depending where u from in the world

2)female is best. she grows bud.

3) u dont feed them hormones, u feed them nutrients. just like u would any other plant.

theres alot of info on this site, its just about reading it all. it took me about a month to get a general idea of what i was doing. im still learning stuff now!