Beginner's Questions


Active Member
Hi there.

I am a beginner in pot growing. I planted some seeds in organic soil just for interest sake to see how they grow etc. But a week later they started growing and I just fell in love with them! Now i want to learn everything I possibly can to make my plant the best MaryJane i can.

My questions:

1) When should they start flowering?
2) Which is the best between the male and the female?
3) Is it true that if you "feed" your plant hormones, that it will grow stronger?

My plants are about 1 inch tall already and would like to look after them as best as i can to make sure they are good plants.

Please, any other advise / help will really be appreciated.

Peace Out bongsmilie


Active Member
The temperature is between 18 and about 25 degrees. It gets about half shade and half sun for 12 hours a day.

Is it true what they say about feeding it with hormones?


Active Member
4 ur ? Sack those males off they will have small grape like looking things growing from where the leafs stem is joining the main stem of the plant.u can start flowering when ur plant is just 12inch tall but i wouldnt advise it wait till it,s about 25-30 inch tall with a thick stem,get ur self some good nutes i did use ionics but now im using hesi u will need good nutes for a good flowering weeks.get ur self some lights flouresents are great for veging(just growing the plant)u will need a warm white an a cool white u can even flower under those as well but ur buds will not be as heavy ur best with a high pressure sodium lamp 400w 4 flowering an a good fan fresh air is ur best freind for growing green an constent air flow...good luck


Active Member
Oh ok... So how do I flower them? Can't they just flower themselves? Lol... I feel really stupid asking these questions! What are nutes and hesi?


Well-Known Member
Well what kind of lighting have you got?

If you have a decent budget get yourself a 150 watt HPS, that'd be plenty for one plant.

1) When should they start flowering?

You should start flowering when you want!
Just remember that during flowering your plant can double and sometimes triple in size, so grow your plant the right size so that you have enough height in your grow room when they have finished flowering.

2) Which is the best between the male and the female?

Well you want Female because you'll be smoking the Buds. And only the female cannabis plant produces this. If your plant is male then You can't really get high!

3) Is it true that if you "feed" your plant hormones, that it will grow stronger?

You don't feed your plant hormones, you feed your plant Nutrients.


Read the GrowFAQ (link below) It'll help you a lot!


Hope this has helped a little.


Active Member
Lol... no Cheetah I'm not stoned. haha.

Thanks Arrid! I am still confused about the flowering of the plant though. How do I make the plant flower? And when is it the best time?