Bent/Broken stem at cola

- Sativa plant
- Indoor grow
- Watering every 3 days
- Growing in soil
- between 7-8 weeks into flowering

The other day I noticed that the cola was bent over at the stem. I haven't really touched the plant so it seems like the stem just couldn't support the weight of the bud. There is another bud (not sure if it's considered part of the cola or not) that is directly below the bend/break point. I propped it up with a long plant stick (couldn't manage to do it with a toothpick or straw) but looking at the bend point now I can see that it's browning a bit.

What are my options now? Should I chop it at the bend point and hope the rest of the plant continues alright? Do I leave it propped up and hope that it heals? Should I just harvest the entire plant now since I've fairly deep into flowering? Any other options?

Thanks for the help, it's greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Leave it propped up, and if it's not broken too badly, it'll heal. If the top starts dying, then chop it off and let the rest of the plant finish. :)


Active Member
If its not broken it should be fine. Some people train thier plants by bending the stem, not breaking it. This in turn should make the plant focus more energy on this part of the plant and enhance it. At least thats what I've read. I accidently bent the main stem on 1 of my plants, and it made a sort of knot there, and it does seem that those buds are forming faster. But at your stage of flowering, I dont know if it will really do that much. But like jaw said, if it starts to die off, just cut it and let the rest of the plant finish. Some people actually cut thier colas first and let the rest of the plant mature, in an attempt to make the lower branches get bigger buds.