Bent Stem


Well-Known Member
I was checking out the ladies a minute ago and one of them I noticed a "branch" was drooping a bit lower than the others.
I don't know if it came across some trauma, but it was a little kinked near the base of the node, I quickly tied it from the ceiling for vertical support, and put gardeners tape around the soft spot for added support.
the question is do you think this branch will survive, or will it die off? It looks as though the branch is still ok. I will go back and look to see how the leaves are doing on that branch later... but I was wondering if anyone has seen the same thing (trauma bend or another reason), and how the outcome was for your plant.

thanks ~Red~


Well-Known Member
no problem i pinch and bend my branches over all the time its called super cropping. just get the branch where you want it to be and tape it there and it will heal and stay there in about a week.


Active Member
It is an amazing plant... you really have to beat it up to kill it.... I splinted one my first grow....


Well-Known Member
hmm sounds good... i figure if the leaves are drooping in an hour its a fail, but it sounds like ill be alright. thanks for the quick response folks!


Well-Known Member
when you put the branch where you want it try to get it so it can be as close to the light as possible.sometimes bending the branch over like that open up the flow path for nutes and such so that bud may start to grow better then the others if it gets good light