Best acts of kindness


Well-Known Member
What acts of kindness do you appreciate from people you interact with regularly? Like easy or simple things that can change a person's day for the better?

Example: If I'm riding my bike or walking and someone makes eye contact, if they smile and it's genuine it makes me feel instantly better.

Whats something you enjoy from others? Thank you to everyone who replies.
When someone looks me deeply in the eyes and has a sincere thank you. like they know how much my job sucks. Lol…I feel those thank you’s deeply , others just going through the motions.
Like you, it’s the Genuineness that does it for me.
I lost my storage for my hot rod engine and had no way to get it home. My mechanic let me borrow his personal trailer and had his guys help load it as it weighs 550 pounds. None of them would take any money or offers of beer or pizza or anything. They just did it to help me out. I'm still screwed with a 550 pound engine in my driveway but they made my day a lot easier to bear. Here's to the good guys out there! They are few but still out there thankfully.