Best Breeder!


Just wanted to get some thoughts on the most recent strains and breeders bringing heat


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Must be that 92 Kali Mist in her, because that girl will stink up an entire neighborhood, :grin:
I’ve never smelled a stinkier bunch. Grew it in a hoop house at this homestead here in Alaska. Literally nobody else lived on this trail. You could smell this stuff a good quarter mile down the trail. Before you could see the homestead.

Skunks don’t exist here in Alaska.
Apple Fritter is my new love.

The thing is, Many great strains come from obscure sources.... Look at all the "Candy" related strains popping up. Candyland is still a winner.
Where did Triangle actually come from?
Matt Riot hit it out of the park with "Clockwork Orange", rediscovered (part of the 3 breeder team) Road Kill skunk (and a bunch of old "lost" skunk pheno's)..
Cannarado did Sundae Driver
How about the cookies line and all that the original breeders have done with that...
The pvt breeder that did all the "PARIS" line - Stuffed French Toast is still one of my most requested strains
You can name strain after strain and each breeder of those too!

The "BEST" breeder today? Won't be "tomorrow"....

Get my point
Prolificcoastseeds (been nothing but bangers
Sincityseeds (hit or miss, mostly hits)
Bohdi (legend)
Cannarodo (genuinely hated the vegan margy I had, pretty good other then that mess)
Thug pug (his gear is overpriced now that he’s retired but it’s still solid)
DVG (dope guy, only did his gb line up)
For a neich breeders I’d say mad scientist genetics (solid qaulity, small but definitely solid)
Barney’s farm (mids)
Cali connection (white labeled heat but mostly mids)
Greenhouse seeds (mids)
TGA (mostly mids)
Dna genetics (mids)
Cookie fam (honestly why)
Copy cat (honestly why)

Current little personal collection
purple ak auto and Larry x skittles cake where gifts from melloblend genetics. I’ll try those eventually.
bluepower x Ksmorz a buddy breed ()
Neon gas and bluntz from sincityseeds
And cold cookies, fire waves, champawat and strudel set from prolificcoastseeds
Some Firewaves I got going rn

neon gas from Sincityseeds. Has a s1 problem but it’s my faultfor a lil early stress accidental feed hot. 4EB43F6A-D135-46AF-A95A-E917FF2E040D.jpeg
Compound got some fire


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Define breeder. Most of these outfits are not doing any real breeding. So many are just taking one already known good strain, crossing it with another and selling F1's with some new cool sounding name. Anyone can take a popular Fuzzy Monkey Purple Cheesecake and cross it with a Banana Pineapple Cookie Dream and call it Fuzzy Monkey Purple Cookie Dream. That's not breeding that's making seeds and it isn't hard.

People spending $20+ a seed for the latest thing circulating online. I can guarantee that most would not be able to tell the difference from one strain to the next. Marketing and hype is the primary driver behind the seed industry. People that think all these outfits are raising thousands of plants and going through them for multiple generations to find the best plants are incorrect. People are chucking pollen and making seeds to sell as fast as they can.

I have my own private stuff as do many other home growers that will rival much of what's out there. It's not hard to make crosses. It's another thing to actually breed a stabilized strain that doesn't have a dozen different pheno's. Heck, the Maya were doing more actual breeding with corn back in 2500 BC than what many are doing with cannabis today. The difference is back then their survival depended on a reliable food source. Today it's all about getting something cool to market and making money which is why it's a chucking free for all. There is even a Chuckers Paradise thread on this forum with many making some excellent and awesome crosses.

I'm more focused on preservation of genetics than worried about what the latest pollen chucker is hucking on strainly or instagram. I won't pay a dime for most of the hybrids out there. But I will pay for some obscure landrace Indica from a remote valley in Pakistan or a landrace sativa from the jungles of South America or some country in Africa.

In the end there is no Best Breeder. Grow what you want and enjoy it. Falling for the hype is common. What matters in the end is if you get a good harvest and that you're happy with the results. That can come from some new cross of this or that or it can come from an old tried and true strain that's been around for years.
Define breeder. Most of these outfits are not doing any real breeding. So many are just taking one already known good strain, crossing it with another and selling F1's with some new cool sounding name. Anyone can take a popular Fuzzy Monkey Purple Cheesecake and cross it with a Banana Pineapple Cookie Dream and call it Fuzzy Monkey Purple Cookie Dream. That's not breeding that's making seeds and it isn't hard.

People spending $20+ a seed for the latest thing circulating online. I can guarantee that most would not be able to tell the difference from one strain to the next. Marketing and hype is the primary driver behind the seed industry. People that think all these outfits are raising thousands of plants and going through them for multiple generations to find the best plants are incorrect. People are chucking pollen and making seeds to sell as fast as they can.

I have my own private stuff as do many other home growers that will rival much of what's out there. It's not hard to make crosses. It's another thing to actually breed a stabilized strain that doesn't have a dozen different pheno's. Heck, the Maya were doing more actual breeding with corn back in 2500 BC than what many are doing with cannabis today. The difference is back then their survival depended on a reliable food source. Today it's all about getting something cool to market and making money which is why it's a chucking free for all. There is even a Chuckers Paradise thread on this forum with many making some excellent and awesome crosses.

I'm more focused on preservation of genetics than worried about what the latest pollen chucker is hucking on strainly or instagram. I won't pay a dime for most of the hybrids out there. But I will pay for some obscure landrace Indica from a remote valley in Pakistan or a landrace sativa from the jungles of South America or some country in Africa.

In the end there is no Best Breeder. Grow what you want and enjoy it. Falling for the hype is common. What matters in the end is if you get a good harvest and that you're happy with the results. That can come from some new cross of this or that or it can come from an old tried and true strain that's been around for years.
This is good stuff
Define breeder. Most of these outfits are not doing any real breeding. So many are just taking one already known good strain, crossing it with another and selling F1's with some new cool sounding name. Anyone can take a popular Fuzzy Monkey Purple Cheesecake and cross it with a Banana Pineapple Cookie Dream and call it Fuzzy Monkey Purple Cookie Dream. That's not breeding that's making seeds and it isn't hard.

People spending $20+ a seed for the latest thing circulating online. I can guarantee that most would not be able to tell the difference from one strain to the next. Marketing and hype is the primary driver behind the seed industry. People that think all these outfits are raising thousands of plants and going through them for multiple generations to find the best plants are incorrect. People are chucking pollen and making seeds to sell as fast as they can.

I have my own private stuff as do many other home growers that will rival much of what's out there. It's not hard to make crosses. It's another thing to actually breed a stabilized strain that doesn't have a dozen different pheno's. Heck, the Maya were doing more actual breeding with corn back in 2500 BC than what many are doing with cannabis today. The difference is back then their survival depended on a reliable food source. Today it's all about getting something cool to market and making money which is why it's a chucking free for all. There is even a Chuckers Paradise thread on this forum with many making some excellent and awesome crosses.

I'm more focused on preservation of genetics than worried about what the latest pollen chucker is hucking on strainly or instagram. I won't pay a dime for most of the hybrids out there. But I will pay for some obscure landrace Indica from a remote valley in Pakistan or a landrace sativa from the jungles of South America or some country in Africa.

In the end there is no Best Breeder. Grow what you want and enjoy it. Falling for the hype is common. What matters in the end is if you get a good harvest and that you're happy with the results. That can come from some new cross of this or that or it can come from an old tried and true strain that's been around for years.

while I agree to a extent. F1 crossing in seed for is the norm for a reason. It has the wide Enough gene pool where unique cultivars can still be found and more restrictive then the gene pool f2’s bring (and potentially f3 or f4, etc) even a IX or bx can throw a wider pool then f1’s depending on the erea its taken in.
And breeding is grabbing 2 things and putting them together. Regardless of whatever beliefs people have breeding isn’t determined by filial generation, it’s dependent on selection. OG kush/the kush and triangle kush (siblings) where not breed, it was a happy little accident.
A breeder should Test gear And release successful projects. I’ve had f4’s that are trash and f1’s that are solid all around the board.
In terms of “Preservation” while I agree to the novalty land races are low yielding mids or junk that has a nostalgia boner attached onto it. I’ve ran shit from a old head who lives next to me that has been in his collection of both f8 seed stock and cuts that have been kicking for a long fucking time. Afgani, Thai, and African and South American. None of it baring 2 Afghanis would budge at 800 a pack. Where I grow some gear from sincityseeds or prolificcoastseeds or OG raskal and it moves for 2800 a pack ez. I agree in the novalty of it. I just don’t see how popping hundreads of seeds to find the qaulity of potentially one seed out of one of those packs is considered reasonable in the year 2020, let alone considered true breeding more so then moving the gene pool forward through genetic groups that have done nothing but pay bills.
just my personal take on on older work.
picture is from 1/5 females in a cheap tent from a f1 breed by a newer breeder who only works with imho good gear 8A93FCBA-860A-41D9-B3F2-243D3D5A5314.jpeg
while I agree to a extent. F1 crossing in seed for is the norm for a reason. It has the wide Enough gene pool where unique cultivars can still be found and more restrictive then the gene pool f2’s bring (and potentially f3 or f4, etc) even a IX or bx can throw a wider pool then f1’s depending on the erea its taken in.
And breeding is grabbing 2 things and putting them together. Regardless of whatever beliefs people have breeding isn’t determined by filial generation, it’s dependent on selection. OG kush/the kush and triangle kush (siblings) where not breed, it was a happy little accident.
A breeder should Test gear And release successful projects. I’ve had f4’s that are trash and f1’s that are solid all around the board.
In terms of “Preservation” while I agree to the novalty land races are low yielding mids or junk that has a nostalgia boner attached onto it. I’ve ran shit from a old head who lives next to me that has been in his collection of both f8 seed stock and cuts that have been kicking for a long fucking time. Afgani, Thai, and African and South American. None of it baring 2 Afghanis would budge at 800 a pack. Where I grow some gear from sincityseeds or prolificcoastseeds or OG raskal and it moves for 2800 a pack ez. I agree in the novalty of it. I just don’t see how popping hundreads of seeds to find the qaulity of potentially one seed out of one of those packs is considered reasonable in the year 2020, let alone considered true breeding more so then moving the gene pool forward through genetic groups that have done nothing but pay bills.
just my personal take on on older work.
picture is from 1/5 females in a cheap tent from a f1 breed by a newer breeder who only works with imho good gear View attachment 4811015
This is good stuff