Best Climate Controll System.


Well-Known Member
I have been looking at computer based greenhouse climate control systems. So far, I have looked at this one in some detail.

But I have reservations as they have no physical address and no mention of how many simultaneous functions it runs.

Does anyone know of any others?
I'd be a little off put by that web site as well. Kinda looks like a powerpoint I made when I was in middle school. I would look up titan controllers. You may have to invest in another timer but you can get one for half the price, and it will probably last a lot longer. Very good brand. The only thing the 375$ one doesnt do is turn your lights on and off with the rest of the system. That can be controlled with a wall timer though. Check them out. Make sure you snag a warranty too! good luck man. and fine lookin buds
Allot of the controllers are kind of limited in what they can do. Lights are easily managed with a $12 timer. Same with temp. A decent humidifier also had a humidistat.

Anyways, if you want the real deal, all in one mother fuckin bomb controller, I have yet to see anything better than the CAP XGC-1

Temp, humidity, lights, hydro pumps, night time only devices AND a kick ass PPM co2 controller
I got mine on CL for $400. Set it and forget it my friend.

Well worth the price of admission.
I kind of like the ability to see a record of what happened rather than assume. Does the cap also fire up a gas heater if the temp drops?
When the lights are on, the CAP switches on two outlets labelled "exausts" when your humidty or temp raises above their set points. I have an aircon plugged into these sockets. One would assume that you only need heat when the lights are off. There is a single "nightime" outlet that you could plug your heater into that would trigger the heater to come on at night.

My dehumidifier has a humidistat on it where I can set the humidity so I just have it plugged in to the wall socket and it's always on. It is important that your devices that are plugged into any timer or the cap automitically revert to your settings when they receive power.

Example: you set your heater at 75 when it's on then turn it off. When you turn it on again, it goes directly to that 75 setting. When my aircon receives power it automatically starts and goes to the predesignated settings.

If your heater and aircon have built in controllers there is no need for the cap controlls but I use it because the unit sensors are closer to the plants then my aircon sensor is.

If you don't have aircon and are using vent fans to cool then the cap is neccessary as it turns on the fans when the peak temp is reached and turns them off when it's about 3 degree lower than the temp. The great feature is that when the vent or aircon is turned on, it stops dispensing co2 until they turn off.

A ppm co2 controller is around $400-500. For the extra couple hundred you get an integrated controller that manages your whole system. If your not concerned about maximizing yield and your not going to use co2 then the xgc1 is not needed. If you ate going to use co2 then the xgc1 is the best value by far. I did a metric shit ton of research before buying mine
hope this helps and thx for the rep..... :)
At this point all the info I get is helpful.

I also found this computer based system. Granted it is a lot more expensive.

I guess it might be easier to just move the heater into the grow room, set the digital wall thermostat to a min night time temp and not worry about the controller.

One of my problems is that I want to use the heat from the grow room during the winter but will need seperate ventilation during the summer. Maybe I should just have 2 systems.
First off. Fuck that computer program stuff. That is for greenhouses..which you obviously are not engaged in. A $20 temp and humidty meter will give you all the info you need.. Max and min.

Why would you need two systems? Set your heater and set your aircon... They control themselves don't they? I.e. The heater won't tuen on in the winter. Don't forget that your dehumidfier acts as a heater... My space heater rarely turns on.

You may be over thinking it. :)