best CO2 product that you recommend/have used

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
CO2 use in small grow area's work can improve yields and plant health but must have at least 1500ppm's and hightemps (80 degrees) - here is a short list of the ones's I know:
TBN Natural
CO2 Boost
Green Pad"
CO2 ExHale
Mycro Boost

feel that TBN might be the best Any other's ? want to find the best. ON the other hand some say that co2 doesn't help in small grow spaces and not worth the cost of the products
meh, dont buy into the hype. ambient is around 400 ppm outdoors. its plenty because the air flow is at a rate of exchange on every plant surface we could only dream of indoors with fans. so we crank up higher to make up for that insufficient outdoor type air exchange at every surface. If you're growing a dozen plants or so inside your home, in a spare, room with tents or not, exchange air from the rest of the house/outside you'll be fine, more than fine. If you dont exchange air then you will need c02.

If I was doing it on the cheap without a c02 generator( what I use in my sealed rooms/no outside air exchange) I'd add yeast and sugar to water, maybe get real good brewing wine(like I did) and then buy a mr distiller and make mash to turn to 175 shine with it.
pick up a c02 meter to monitor at plant surfaces first maybe? its fun too, good info
If your not using a burner or a tank your better off just using fresh air, those other products won't do jack except make ur wallet lighter.
For the price of what you'd spend on all of those products in the long run you're better off just getting a tank and regulator going. If your set up is on the smaller side then a 20lb tank should last you quite a while. Those products are a waste of money imo.