Best company to buy lights+best lights


Active Member
I'm new and want to know the best online company to buy lights and also what kind of lights should I buy. I want to grow about 90-100 plants. And is aeroponics a good idea or should I stick with hydroponic mediums like rockwool. If going with hydroponics is the ebb and flow system the "best". I guess by best I mean economically best value for the money and time needed to invest.


Well-Known Member
Well it all depends on how much money you have. And they are not really just lights, because with the ballast and the bulb then it is a light source. i know bulbs if you are interested in those. Eiko is a good brand. And you will want Metal halide(veg) and High pressure sodium(flower) and this is just a general way.


Well-Known Member
I'm new and want to know the best online company to buy lights and also what kind of lights should I buy. I want to grow about 90-100 plants. And is aeroponics a good idea or should I stick with hydroponic mediums like rockwool. If going with hydroponics is the ebb and flow system the "best". I guess by best I mean economically best value for the money and time needed to invest.

I assume you have lots of experience already since you are going to start with 100 plants. Since you have so much experience shouldn't you already know the answers to these questions.

OR are you a new grower who has never grown hydroponically and never grown MJ?


New Member
Not sure where your from dude but growell is the one for me, they have been in the game a lot of years and have good men and women in their team of workers.
Done a link for you but they are uk based and also holland (i think)
But most online companies will post world wide, at a price.


Active Member
try if your on a super tight budget they get the job done (if not get a real grow light for maybe $50 more). Aeroponics if you can devote more time to it and want really good control but its more costly (timers, pumps, spray heads that clog..) Rockwool + ebb and flow is the all time best IMO because its easy to set up, forgiving, and very productive. Good Luck :joint: