Best Compassion Clubs in the Seattle Area

Yeah SMMA is a great place if you like rude, arrogant people who sell mite infested clones and medicine. That snap crackle pop you hear when you're burning their pot isn't a bad flush! yuck...

alright alright, we all know your opinion Seven, no need to keep hitting the repeat button
alright alright, we all know your opinion Seven, no need to keep hitting the repeat button
I didn't hit the repeat button, you quoted me twice for some reason??? And, I was talking about that specific dispensary, it wasn't a generalization about dispensaries in general (again).

Read that specific dispensary's review's on weedmaps, there are many others who agree with me. Do you want checks and balances with this thread? No way to be upbeat and positive when calling somebody out for providing tainted medicine, sorry.
I would also recommend the herbal gardens in tacoma. just checked the place out they have a mass spec on site for analysis of cannabinoids/pesticides. They had tons of choices. They even have cannatonic clones which most places aren't willing to donate to patients (which is weird imho). So if you are interested in potential high cbd varieties here is your chance.
found a grower, he lives 10 mins from my house, delivers, is over 50 and has a lot of cool shit to talk about, and clearly loves his plants, and damn I do too. Anyone in North Kitsap should check out Dreamweaver Growers.