Best Ebb & Flow Design for Bachelor's Apartment?


Ok, so basically live in a 1 bedroom apartment with a massive grow tent (plan on getting a smaller 1) & an ebb & flow system with a 4x4 flood tray, reservoir container, (3) HID 400 Watt lights, & a closet for clones with florescents. I am using a sea of green method for the flowering plants.

I have grown in this apartment before but the landlord keeps putting letters underneath my door every 4-5 months to come in (fire alarm inspection mostly) & that is a big NO NO with the tent up obviously... so I was using rockwool cubes that were interlocked to fill the entire 4x4 tray (91 plants in total side by side), & I ended up having to delicately sever each flowering plant's roots from being connected to the rockwool cubes next to them using a razor cutter. They all ended up living except 1, but no doubt destroying the root zone like that just to transport was brutal in terms of flavor, aroma, potential thc level, ect.

THE QUESTION IS: How could I create a sea of green similar to this EXCEPT the roots will not be interconnected into each other but instead will remain within their own growing medium so if I should have to take them down before harvest, I won't damage the roots & my babies can bounce back immediately once put back up.

WOULD THIS WORK: Transplanting the clones which have rooted properly in the rockwool cubes into a netpot filled with hydroton pebbles, & then the netpots go inside a normal bucket with small holes at the bottom. The Purpose of putting small holes at the bottom of the normal bucket is so the nutrient solution can drain into the netpot & rockwool cube while keeping the roots confined within their individual buckets.


Well-Known Member
you can do it your way, just set up a cover to shade the areas between pots to prevent algae growth. you can also use cheap growbags


New Member
I use square 5 inch pots with 4 inch cubes I just add a bit of hydroton under the cubes and on the sides to help with airflo to the root system works great