best excuse for power consumtion


Active Member
hi whats a good excuse for hiding power usage.

My friend wants to rent a smal workshop, and is wondering what he should tell the real estate he is using it for????

I was thinking welder but it needs to be something that uses alot of power but makes no noise...because the conditions of the lease state no loud noise.
hi whats a good excuse for hiding power usage.

My friend wants to rent a smal workshop, and is wondering what he should tell the real estate he is using it for????

I was thinking welder but it needs to be something that uses alot of power but makes no noise...because the conditions of the lease state no loud noise.

Well my dad is into keeping salt water fish tanks and they use around the same amount of lightning as a small grow I would think. Just a thought
With so many high energy demanding appliences it will be easy.

Imagine if it was a computer server room

PC's can have 1000w power supplies, computers use a lot of power and kick out a lot of heat so you then need to cool the room down, then your AC unit uses a lot of energy. A big screen etc etc.

Just that would cover the the energy used of a nice grow.

Just a different thought
the place is kinda meant as a im looking for something along the lines of furniture making or something like that...but needs to be quiet
the bill will be paid on time.

Its just that this property is attached to another property...and the power bill is i just need an excuse to tell the landlord why the power is high...not the power company
if at home (i know your not) go buy yourself a spa bath (jacuzzi i think you yanks call them)
those things chew juice like mad.
never run but use it as the excuse for the mad leccy usage.
the bill will be paid on time.

Its just that this property is attached to another property...and the power bill is i just need an excuse to tell the landlord why the power is high...not the power company

damn, dont really know then. But if you just make up some bullshit, might be worse off then if you just keep it quiet.
Sorry, but this whole plan sounds like a bad idea. You're better off renting an old house, that way the owner won't have any idea how much you're paying for electricity, plus there's less of a chance of him/her dropping by unannounced, plus no people coming in out of the attached structure of that warehouse. Just my two cents, though I certainly wish you luck if you decide to go ahead with your plans.