BEST food to eat when you're stoned.


Active Member
Currently baked as a cake, eating some iberico ham, a gift from a business associate. This shit is blowing my mind...


Well-Known Member
honey BBq frito lay twists, and hershey chocolate milk..

fresh chocolate chip cookies also fall in there... mmm anything chocolate hahahaha...


Active Member
chocolate is indeed the shit, fuck, I'm going to scavenge for some of that shit now. lol


Well-Known Member
I make my favorite sandwich early in the day, put in fridge in my closet, Boars Head Deluxe Ham, Cucumber, Mayo, Mustard.

She is nice and cold when I get her late at night. Oh Yea.

Slim Jims if I forget to make sandwich

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I hate requests for the "best" of this that or the other. There is a time and a place for everything and at each specific time, one thing will be better than it's rivals.

Right now though i am certainly digging the idea of the ham. don't think i can get any of that round here though so would have to settle for some
parma :)


Well-Known Member
check out the Sara Lee maple honey ham. fantastic stuff. make sure its the maple honey, not the brown sugar.


Well-Known Member
I've been munching on sliced apples and caramel dip. I can sit there and just eat a whole container of caramel with my finger when I've got the munchies. Lol!


Active Member
Hell, I'm baked right now, but all I can keep thinking about is "bacon". I feel like the commercial, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, baaaaacccccoooon!


Active Member
Do you guys ever get that feeling where you're so stoned you just want to eat for the sake of eating, but you're too full to take another bite. Decisions, decisions.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I normally go one step further and goto the supermarket and buy nothing but things which can be eaten directly out of the fridge. Susage rolls, pork pies, scotch eggs, salamis, hams.

Although just roasted a chicken and am now making stock from the carcass to make a nice pasta and chicken sauce dinner :)
I make my favorite sandwich early in the day, put in fridge in my closet, Boars Head Deluxe Ham, Cucumber, Mayo, Mustard.

She is nice and cold when I get her late at night. Oh Yea.

Slim Jims if I forget to make sandwich
I will never eat another slim Jim ever again. The last one I bought was oozing with that pink slime. Grossed me out so bad. I would suggest to everyone else to lay off them to. No telling what's in there.


Well-Known Member
This shit pisses me off, I walk through the store and see all the good shit, cookies, chips, fukn munchies galore. I dont buy them, cuz ill eat them if i do. I have to make a conscious decision every time i walk by the damn ice cream.... No... No... No..... (once in a great while its ok tho)

My kids hate it cuz i never have anything "good" in the cupboards... lol. and iim lazy, so if i have to cook, well its a guaranteed couple more hrs before itl be done. great way to watch how much crap I eat tho.

pretty sure the sweetest thing i have in the house at the moment is maple syrup hahahah


Active Member
I normally go one step further and goto the supermarket and buy nothing but things which can be eaten directly out of the fridge. Susage rolls, pork pies, scotch eggs, salamis, hams.

Although just roasted a chicken and am now making stock from the carcass to make a nice pasta and chicken sauce dinner :)
This sounds so GOOD!