Best High Experience

Simply write your best high experience. Let's all share and see who has the best one!

Mine is pretty lame I'll admit but it was still a lot of fun. It was one of the first times I got high (can't remember if it was the first or not haha). I was watching Metalocalypse (did I spell that right..?) with my brother and they were in the lab in the show. There were these two scientists interrupting each other whilst trying to explain an invention and it was so hilarious I almost pissed myself laughing haha. To this day I think back to that time and chuckle.

Alright, so mine is pretty normal. Anybody got anything better?!


Active Member
all the park districts in my area plow snow into this one big ass parkinglot for a park near my house, every year its a giant pile of snows its pretty chill. Last year we had a shit ton of snow fall though, right afterwards big warm up so some melted and then snow again. Long story short it formed a giant block of ice so me and my buddies walked over and had a bonfire and blazed up a couple blunts on top of a 25 foot pile of snow. We brought some plywood that we wedged in the ice for benches to sit on, pounded a couple brews and just chilled on our giant ice fort for a good 3 or 4 hours.

Yearly tradition born.