Best light cycle for veg when using cfls?

Ive read alot of different opinions about light cycles, most people saying 18-6, but theres alot saying you can go 24- without a problem. Does anyone know the real facts or has anyone experience growing 24 hours on? Im growing with 4 100 watt cfls per plant.


Well-Known Member
I have done both 24/0 and 18/6. Its all just a matter of opinion.

I prefered 24/0 for a while over 18/6 as node spacing was tighter however i found 24/0 made slightly stretchier plants once switched to 12/12.



Well-Known Member
while many folks will go back and forth on this issue, most "professional" growers that i have read write ups from state 18-6 is better than 24-0. the plant needs to have "rest time" in there. plus, it will give you a small break in the electric bill, let ballasts etc cool off.. try to replicate nature.. unless you live on the equator or in canada/alaska, you won't get days with more than 18 hours of light.. in a controlled indoor environment, you aren't only giving the plant 18 hours of light, but 18 hours of DIRECT light..


New Member
well first off depends on your lighting 24/0 with Cfl's or florous by all means go for it
when you start running power i mean 400 watt + plants need darkness all i know is when you run 18 hrs of lights on with power.
Plants are begging by lights of period darkness is needed and i think 18 /6 is prob the best i find my best growth is in darkness
lights on plant absorbs energy lights off puts it to good use
hmm very interesting. i have also noticed it seems like the plants grow quite a bit while the lights are off. i guess i will stick to the 18-6 giving them some rest would probably keep the plants healthier overall. Thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
I hate this shit about MJ needing rest... it's not a person. MJ is a C3 plant.. NOT C4.

There are 2 reasons to NOT run 24/ is to save on the power bill... the second is a "shock to 12/12"... never had it happen to me personally.. Jon did... ok, maybe it happens, I've never seen it in my plants personally is all.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know the real facts or has anyone experience growing 24 hours on? .
just the facts mam :
24/0 is best. -Ed Rosenthal
This is a direct quote from Ed Rosenthal whom most of you know is a marijuana growing guru:
marijuana plants photosynthesize as long as they receive light as well as water, air, nutrients and suitable temperature. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use the energy from light (primarily in the blue and red spectrum's) to combine carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water (H2O) to make sugar while releasing oxygen to the air.
Plants use sugars continuously to fuel metabolic processes (living) as well as for tissue building. The plant combines nitrogen (N) with the sugar to make amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They are the substance of plant tissue. When the light is off, the plant's metabolic processes, respiration and growth, continue.
The plant can photosynthesize continuously so it produces the most energy and growth when the light is on, continuously. Continuous light does not stress the plant, which reacts somewhat mechanistically to it.
Plants under an 18-6 light-dark regimen are producing sugar only three quarters of the time. They are thus growing at only 75% of their potential. Leaving the light on continuously will result in bigger plants, faster, which leads to higher yields."
"The following information is straight from Greg Green's "The Cannabis Grow Bible"
Cannabis is a light demanding plant. Professional growers keep the light on their plants using the 24/0 photoperiod for this reason. Plants that grow under 24/0 flourish and do not need a quantity of darkness in order to rest and perform photosynthesis properly. Plants that are grown in optimal conditions under 24/0 light regime grow vigorusly and the benefits of a 24/0 photoperiod can be seen actively in the results. More nodes are formed, more branches are created, leaf numbers increase, the plant is growing at its finest.
Some growers opt to use 18/6 as their photoperiod. This is 18 hours of light, six hours of darkness light regime. Under these conditions the plant will grow quite naturally but not as vigorously as the 24/0 photoperiod.
The 18/6 photoperiod expels 3/4 the amount of light that a 24/0 photoperiod does. Although this does not mean that a plant produces 1/4 less leaves,branches and nodes under the 18/6 photoperiod, it certainly does show the correlation between light and cannabis growth. As we have said already, cannabis is a light demanding plant. There are no problems associated with 24/0 and although some have attributed cannabis sexual dysfunction (the hermaphrodite conditon) to 18/6 photoperiod these problems are actually the result of heat stress.
A 24/0 photoperiod requires that your grow room temperature be kept well monitored. The 18/6 option is cheaper to run. You use a quarter less electricity and this will have an impact on your electricity bill. Also the 18/6 photoperiod will generally extend the bulb's lifespan. During the 6 hours of darkness the grow room is allowed to cool down for this period but a well maintained good grow room setup should not require a cooling down period.
24/0 and 18/6 both share the same problem though. Once you start the photoperiod you should keep that way especially when the plants near maturity (the preflowering stage). An irregular photoperiod can cause more males than females to develop. It can also cause sexual dysfunction to appear. Whether you choose 24/0 or 18/6 as your vegetative photoperiod try to keep that photoperiod unitl your plants are mature enough to express their sex."
24/0 is superior insofar as plant growth
Most green plants are classified as either C3 or C4 which represents how carbon(C) is used during photosynthesis.
C4 plants temporarily store carbon dioxide(CO2) over the dark period to use for photosynthesis during the day. C4 plants slow down photosynthesis once the stored CO2 is used up and they need to gather it from the air. Which is why trees slow down photosynthesis in the afternoon even though the sun is still bright. This does NOT apply to cannabis.
C3 plants(cannabis/veggies) gather CO2 only during the light period when they are photosynthesizing. During the dark period these plants only use oxygen for their metabolic life processes. They don't uptake CO2, nor do they use it. As soon and as long as the light is on, C3 plants gather and use CO2 for photosynthesis.
C3 plants also have the ability to use higher concentrations of CO2 than what is found in the air. If the light is bright enough and the plants have sufficient nutes, their growth rate will accelerate from it(2000ppm vs. 400ppm of CO2), which increases yield. They can do this continuously, wihtout a dark period throughout the vegetative stage.
The dark reaction is a process of photosynthesis that takes place in both darkness and light. It uses ATP and NADPH molecules that hold energy absorbed from light to break apart CO2 into it's base components. Because it's called a dark reaction and can occur in the dark, some people(Jorge) have said darkness is needed for this to occur. This Is Not So.
Again people get anthropomorphic with their plant needs. People need rest, so plants must too. This is false as well. Light means growth. Scientifically. Although 18/6 will shock your plants less when you switch to 12/12, it's a personal choice whether you would rather sacrifice a little growth for a quicker adjustment or less photo confusion. If you want to save money or energy that's a personal choice too. Do what you need to do to make your growing scenario work.
So what your saying is i should stick to 18-6 because thats what ive been doing for a while, but next time i might try 24 just to see how she grows. Sometimes its hard to get to the facts because so many people state their opinons as facts. Awesome thanks for the facts.


Well-Known Member
So what your saying is i should stick to 18-6 because thats what ive been doing for a while, but next time i might try 24 just to see how she grows. Sometimes its hard to get to the facts because so many people state their opinons as facts. Awesome thanks for the facts.
yeah if you're getting close to flowering size already it's best to leave them.
" Once you start the photoperiod you should keep that way especially when the plants near maturity (the preflowering stage). An irregular photoperiod can cause more males than females to develop. It can also cause sexual dysfunction to appear " (Greg Green)


I vegged with CFL's for over 2 years. I found 24/0 to save me a little over a week on veg compared to 18/6. Everyone may not have the same results, but 24/0 worked better for me.