Best Next Step for Heat Management in 4x13 room

Power Towel

Hey guys,

So I now have my 600-watt MH running 24h probably 4.5 feet above the little plant - will gradually lower it to a more effective range but want to "ease" the plant into it from the CFL it was under.

Now I no longer need to run a heater because the light keeps the temp around the pot at 85F in the shade. Currently just blowing a fan on the hood with the lower glass piece out and nothing connected to the 8" duct vents yet.

This is a 4x13 room with 8 foot ceilings, virtually no ventilation or AC. Also, the outside temps are like high 50F low 40F.

I am concerned that when I move the 600w closer to the plant and/or when outside temperatures climb, I may get into the 90sF at the plant site which I understand is bad.

If I had to choose between cutting holes in the wall for ventilation, or get a window AC unit first, my preference is AC since I can dial in an exact temperature to stabilize at and install is relatively easy.

My friend would rather go cheap and cut passive ventilation holes, with one ducted to the hood, and just keep blowing the room fan at the hood and the outside cooler temps should cool things off.

I don't like the second approach just yet because it will have unpredictable effects and possibly even cool too much at night, and I don't have any kind of "controller" to monitor it.

I know I will probably have to do both eventually but for now, what would YOU do? AC or relatively passive ventilation?


Well-Known Member
One possible another choice...
Run your lights when it is cool outside, and dark....
Lights off when it is warmer... day time...

I vote for window AC...


Well-Known Member
If you could install a window you can open it a little and pull some of the outside cold air inside the room. Put a fan on a time and duct it from the outside to pull in a little air. Temps at the canopy should be 85 degrees or less. Ideally.