Best organic nutrient you have used?

Ammendments to start that you add to soil which gets broken down by microbes into usable nutrients for plants. If it comes in a bottle then it will contain organic properties as well as synthetic properties which could kill a living soil super fast. Look into the organic or natural ways of doing things
Ammendments to start that you add to soil which gets broken down by microbes into usable nutrients for plants. If it comes in a bottle then it will contain organic properties as well as synthetic properties which could kill a living soil super fast. Look into the organic or natural ways of doing things

Absolutely untrue. More bro science about container nutrients.
If your in "super soil" why the hell are you adding salts! Unless your soil isn't that super and you need quick remedial action. Either way I have found tons of organic liquid nutrient that works great. The main idea behind organic or super soil is LONG TERM NUTRIENTS. You give the microbes a reason to stick around and perform. When you start a program based on salts, the microbes have nothing to eat and diminish their population numbers. They don't die, they go into cyct and spore form and repopulate when conditions are more favorable.
Fish anything has been shown to be a fungal favorite. Highly recommended in any soil!!!
Also if you can source the best quality, it contains more omega 3,6 fatty acids and this is what the microbes really go nuts over. Not all fish emulsion or hydoslate is equal.
I've never used soil. Hydro and aqua only
Using advanced nutrients - thinking about organic nutrients for better taste - heard that budswelll is the best product grow medium - soil

I actually do like AN quite a bit. They're very clean and high quality, sadly overpriced tho.
pH perfect line is good stuff, but I can't speak on the iguana or others in their organic lineup. They look good, but still overpriced for what they contain. Their comes a point with any nutrient, your just paying for the brand name, not the results promised or obtained.
I have experience with their microbes and enzyme, big bud, factor x, overdrive, nirvana (good shit right there), and bud ignitor, also very good shit!
Really appreciate your posts/information thanks "Grandpa GreenJeans" Advanced are expensive but you can purchase them in 250ml's now for about $10.00 each. There so many nutrients out there - makes your head spin and one realy doesn't know what to purchase -maybe go with the old one's (foxfarms, canna,Dutchmaster, ect. any good suggestions ?
Fish anything has been shown to be a fungal favorite. Highly recommended in any soil!!!
Also if you can source the best quality, it contains more omega 3,6 fatty acids and this is what the microbes really go nuts over. Not all fish emulsion or hydoslate is equal.
Exactly that's why if you Really want to be Industrial you would have an Aquaponics setup. And let the Fish subsist off your crops then the fish in return feed your crops... And you have Fresh Fish!

If your in "super soil" why the hell are you adding salts! Unless your soil isn't that super and you need quick remedial action. Either way I have found tons of organic liquid nutrient that works great. The main idea behind organic or super soil is LONG TERM NUTRIENTS. You give the microbes a reason to stick around and perform. When you start a program based on salts, the microbes have nothing to eat and diminish their population numbers. They don't die, they go into cyct and spore form and repopulate when conditions are more favorable.
Exactly! Great information.!

But I honestly would MUCH Prefer building a soil with All the Nutrients it needs and Then Just water... I do add Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar to level pH.

But just think back in the day... Now they spray plants with everything, but even today's monochem farms still apply ferts Before planting...

But think about Real Husbandry. You Amend your soil Before you plant, so that way you just let the Rain water it and you Onky have to water when it dries... No adding more manure, you already did that.

I look at soil building as much more Efficient method of industry. But hey to each his own.! If it wasn't for you all buying nutes AN would be out of a business... Haha yeah right who am I kidding they will Always find something to sell...
Agreed, I always lean to the organic side.
I am in the process of drafting plans and a sourcing list for a outdoor aqua setup. I'd keep the tanks in my garage and route all the plumbing out to the yard, then recirculating back, but underground. A couple blue food grade 5gal barrels should work, or I'll pick up a 250 gal inside the steel cage.
Just a tip I have found very helpful in actually supplying the tanks and fish with unlimited food. Here's my secret source... ready... lol.
The garbage!!!
Every grocery store has one and they fill them Shits daily. Cabbage, lettuces, ect.
Once your fish populations and the produce you'll be growing start to repay your investment, you'll have free fish food. Old moldy and rotten garbage sourced feed will be perfect. And just think of all the microbes you'll be adding for free.
Thanks! great replies - learned a lot from all of you
All ways "chemical" nutrients - but now - want to achieve better taste - believe one can get great yields growing organic !!!!! Ever look at Extreme Gardening products, interesting tea, but good root stuff (Great white similar to) Also Kelp4Less as some really interesting products (expensive) PEACE