Best place to buy starter kits for newbie 6 plants max ???


Well-Known Member
tent 4x4x6.5 to 7, fan, 600 w mh/mps light, exhuast fan 430 cfm, dirt bags*, soil(perlite/dolomite added), nutes, humidity/temp monitor, carbon filter if you want, pH meter, good timer. then the extras. not a kit fan. They give some cheap crap every time. Check Virtual Sun. Best of luck..up front investment plays off. Use the bulbs you get with the light until you learn. I like magnet ballasts. GH Go box is a good starter nute system-.
Thats one tent..veg and seperate flower tents is more. Shop around.. Good people and they will hdlp. Ask single questions not a list of 8. Read, read, read. Jorge Cervantes videos on youtube.