Best place to vent carbon filter exhust

At this time im not able to vent outside but im wondering if its better to vent the carbon filter exhust out to another room or could i just blow it back on the plants to fan them ??? im using leds and cfls so the room is getting alittle on the warm side but not hot. if this matters


Well-Known Member
Exhausting back into room is not a good idea as you will not be circulating any fresh air into your grow room. I just vent Mine outside of the grow cab, so basically into another room.


Well-Known Member
carbon filters filter all that shit out, no smell . if you can some people put it into a chimney or into a attic


Well-Known Member
Vent to another room or through the roof, best would be through the floor because if your like me and have a crawl space venting the hot air under the house will not show up on FLIR.


New Member
I go scrubber - fan - lights - intake to a/c exhaust to 8 inline under house nothing to sneeze at but it keeps 72° it all runs on one line with 2 fans pushing out constant air flow. Dont skip steps your going to screw yourself if you dont do it right the 1s time. Air exchange is essential.
If u have a closet i would vent thru the ceiling there. Get rid of heat. Heat = bad news.