Best plant for a beginner? Is there one?


Well-Known Member
For a beginner, like myself, what would be the ideal first plant to grow, is there a fairly easy plant. I know the basics, soil, water and light. Have fox farm ocean, 400 hid. But when it comes to nutes, I know first 3-4 weeks none needed with fox farm, but after that. It seems like some plants seem to really need some major attention, while some aren't as sensative. Just curious, is there any simple plants to start with?

x iGrow x

Active Member
Northern Lights X.. If your looking to purchase a straain.. But like it was said before, Bagseed would be a good place to start, and a good way to learn the basics, and get your feet wet..


Active Member
i would do what ever strain you feel like smoking 3-4 months down the road...but definatly practice on bagseed before blowing money on seeds...Peace
Big bud and Northern Lights are both good for beginners like they said... I got my cherry popped with Nirvana's Ice and Wonder Woman! Went pretty well for me:)


Well-Known Member
big bud, looked it up and northern lights. Like the info on them. will use cfl's for about 5-7 days or first set of leaves, then use 400 hid. No need for bag seed, pass that stage. thanks for the info!


Active Member
Yeah pass on the bagseed. Too unpredictable unless you're sure of the parents. There are plenty of inexpensive seeds from smaller breeders with great genetics. Check out the breeders forums at icmag. Lots of great things happening over there.


Well-Known Member
i would do what ever strain you feel like smoking 3-4 months down the road...but definatly practice on bagseed before blowing money on seeds...Peace
So which is it, whatever he wants or bagseed?

I always thought that sativas were a little more picky on the nutes and stress issues, but thats just from my experiance, and they take longer in many cases.

Really though, either do the research and dive in, or go get some tomato seeds and try those first so you can atleast get a seed to pop soil before you try it with a 20 dollar seed.


Well-Known Member
Are there strains not recommended for a beginner? So how do you know that's not the bag seed?

The only advantage with bag seed is that you are not risking much.

If you buy seeds,then you know specifics and can target you research. I'm starting with Nirvana female seeds. I did not spend 20 a seed, I knew that it would be female, and I've been able to research the same exact strain in grows posted here.

So if you don't have a clue about growing anything, then try tomatoes. But unless you're totally broke, I recommend cheap known seeds rather than a mystery for you first time.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing an auto but I'm not sure if it is easier. Some say the can be more sensitive to over and under feeding.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing an auto but I'm not sure if it is easier. Some say the can be more sensitive to over and under feeding.
if you are using foxfarms
go with critical + and just use some epsom salt starting about week 2 thru to the end with each watering
the only advantage with an autoflower is you cannot fuck up the light schedule. Which everyone seems to do at some point in the beginning


Well-Known Member
Will be indica, not necessarily 100%, but indica dominant. Will not be a $20.00 seed, but will be female from start. Just don't want to wait to long, then a male plant. Auto, not now, sound like they're a bit sensitive for me right now. So does about does it for me, more homework to do. Hopefully this helps new starters out there, it wasn't only meant for me, but any other newbie that was wondering. Homework wise, I have all the basics, just was wondering about a good starter seed, other then a badseed, ya know, step 2.


Well-Known Member
well i just started with my first grow, i spent about 200 at attitude and i only popped one so i didnt fuck up more ;) its a greenhouse seeds white widow, definitely got my hands full because my plant is getting nute burn and deficiencies. On the up side, I plan to use it as a mother (if it makes it!) so i dont plan on flowering this girl. Shes 8 weeks from seed, stands at about 8 inches, bushy but well short of where it should be at 8 weeks. my suggestion is buy indicas, pop one and see if you have a green thumb first. my thumb is between green and black right now, lol


Well-Known Member
My seed cost just under $9 with shipping. Nirvana doesn't sell singles but that is what it works out to, so I risked $18 for my first grow - 2 different fem seeds. Both germinated in paper towels but when the hybrid was a seedling, I broke the stem. I never recovered it. That was a regular feminized seed. The auto did well. I over-fed a little early on, but I'm doing coco so it was easy to correct.

About a week before my Nirvana seeds arrived, I grabbed 4 bag seeds and did the same paper towel treatment. The Nirvana seeds arrived nice and stealthy, and the bag seeds were just sitting in damp towels. I tossed them 2 days later when the Nirvana seeds germinated and they still had not. Also, since the seeds were well packaged and came quickly, I ordered 3 more feminized strains from Nirvana - no autos. A special lowered my cost per seed some.

Eventually, I want to research some of the high-end strains, but that's when I can upgrade my equipment and easily grow what I have. I'm spending money on my personal grow. I knew I would, but I know it will pay off in the long run. Since I'm OK with fems for now, I don't have a problem with risking less than $9 a pop for something known vs a mystery that could even be male.


Well-Known Member
For a beginner, like myself, what would be the ideal first plant to grow, is there a fairly easy plant. I know the basics, soil, water and light. Have fox farm ocean, 400 hid. But when it comes to nutes, I know first 3-4 weeks none needed with fox farm, but after that. It seems like some plants seem to really need some major attention, while some aren't as sensative. Just curious, is there any simple plants to start with?
Super Skunk is the best beginner strain I have ever encountered. You will need to work out a filter (which needs to be dealt with anyway). You cant go wrong. Even if you grow it like hell it will still come out potent and not herm.