Best Practices - Hanging Heavy Equipment


Active Member
What is your preferred method for hanging lights and carbon filters, et al?

Do you like zip ties, carabiners, rope?

Seems many of the prepackaged grow room kits include rope ratchets but they just don't seem... well, professional?


Well-Known Member
For carbon filters I use metal hooks and chain link.

For reflectors I use EZROLLERS.

Although I also strengthen any ceiling that's going to support a fair amount of weight. For eg I added some extra wooden supports in the attic side of my closet ceiling for mounting my metal hooks that are holding the filters weight.

Chain link and hooks you can see.



Active Member
001.jpgI I run bunjees it cuts down on noise and vibration for a stealthhy setup..I dont know why its at an angel its a verry old pic but its level now

