Best Pro-Mix .. mix?


Well-Known Member
I've been using Pro-Mix HP (which has mycorrhizae in it) for my last 2 grows and have found it to be great stuff.

I got a packet of mycorrhizal inoculant for really cheap recently and was wondering what people's experiences with other pro-mix mixes are like, ones that don't already come with mycorrhizae?

Is their BX stuff any good? or their 'organic mix'?

Just curious what others thoughts are, using the GH Flora trio for my nutes (before you start i use just the 3 with sometimes a bit of calmag .. i don't believe in or go nuts with all the snake oil additives these companies try to sell)
I like sunshine #4 advanced. It is very similar to promix but has coco coir added. I also seem to have less ph issues. I believe #4 also has added silica.
BX is the same as hp but slightly less perlite. Both contain mycorrhizae.
Promix also more recently came out with a peat coco mix, hp-cc maybe? Might be worth looking into.
Something to consider is adding more perlite to any of the promixes or possibly some coco; as the consensus is that promix is a little too dense and can use more aeration.
Just started using gh flora trio. So far so good in veg. 1 part of each bottle is working great in veg; 3.5-3-5.5 is the npk of an equal part of 3 btw.
Ive had amazing grows with dynagro but my house is poorly insulated and the dyna precipitates at my temperatures.
When using synthetics / salts, most all the living organisms and bacteria that interact with each other in the "soil food web", are killed off, So realistically there is no benefit in having mycorrhizae in soil, soilless, or semi-soilless mixes when synthetics / salts are going to be used! But as far as what pro-mix is the best, that will always be defined by what you plan on doing with it. For example, pro-mix has organic mixes that can last 3 to 4 months, that are great to use if you are doing the up-pot thing, because every time you up-pot, the plants will have everything it needs for 3 to 4 more months, and they will only require water, and nothing more. Then they have slow-release mixes that last 7 to 10 month, that also only require water, and nothing more. Then they have what I call blank palette mixes, which organic growers can use as a base to build their living soils, or those same blank palette mixes can be used without adding anything else to them if the grower plans on using bottled synthetics / salts, and then those same blank palette mixes can be used by growers that want to go the "slow release" way, by using things like Osmocote Plus Plant Food, or other slow release plant foods! So like said, the best pro-mix to use, will always be defined by what you plan on doing with it. But their HP, and ECO blank palette mixes are their cheapest, and work great for whatever way you plan on growing your weed!
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