Best quality bubble bags


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is in the wrong post but I'm ready to start my fresh frozen adventure!
Who knows what bags are THE BEST. I'm hearing complaints about bags flaking into product after one or two uses. I'm in Ontario if anyone is wondering.
Links would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance and happy growing!
I've always had great success with bolt bags. Had them for years and they have never let me down, I don't know if that is the case these days as companies change their products over time. I ALWAYS use them in late fall early winter when it's 2 or 3 degrees outside, that's the best time to make hash imho. I don't even bother doing it any other time since the trichs fall of wayyy easier around that temp and you don't have to worry about you ice melting so fast. Keep a few extra pails around for the overflow, and get yourself a set of quality bungee straps to hang them from and get the bounce action going just a little bit.