Best ready made beneficial bacteria for root growth?

Super helpful. Thank you.
Use the search function. It all depends on what you're doing but nobody likes someone who's unable to steer themselves in the right direction before asking any questions.

All your questions have already been asked and answered. You need to be more specific on what you're doing since "good bacteria for root growth" differs depending on growing method.
I have 2 that I use religiously. 1 bacterial, 1 fungal. Both are easily cultured at home if your ambitious. Otherwise they're available for purchase.
LactoBacillius---- EM-1 TeraGanix
Trichoderma --- company called
I agree about lacto bacillus and Teraganix EM-1. This stuff is cool because you can use it right out of the bottle, or add 1 cup EM-1 and 1 cup of molasses to a gallon of water and brew up a new Gallon. And from there you can continue the process forever and not have to buy anymore.

A company called SCD Probiotics makes a knock off product (BioAg) a little cheaper on Amazon if you want to save a few bucks.