Best Recipe Ever???


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I haven't tried it yet, but don't hate me just yet. In theory it sounds awesome and I have a good reason why I haven't tried this cannabis cuisine: I heart weed, but that costs money and since I'm without a job, I need to get a job to get green. A lot of places don't like positives on drug tests though, so I'm just playing it safe for now.
In the meantime, I figured if I'd post my ideas and see if anyone has tried it, has tried something similar, or is willing to try it; all in hopes of getting feedback, so when I do get a job and a chance it will be THE BEST RECIPE EVER!!!

Enough of the intro, on with the grub. My idea combine three of my loves: WEED, BACON, and SRIRACHA (you know, the bombastic red chilli paste with the rooster on it, yea) into one dish ---> Chronic Hot Wings :fire:

I figure if you cook up a pound of bacon, you'll render about a 1/2 cup of grease/fat/drippings/whatever... I personally prefer the term "bacon nectar" mmmm. Save that, but eat the bacon though. BACON PARTYY!!!!

Now different people use different techniques and ratios to make weed butter. I personally add a 1/4 oz per stick of butter to low boiling water for 6 hrs, which I stir every 1/2 hour or so. I strain the contents into a tupperware container and put it in the fridge over night. The next morning the weed butter has solidified and floated to the top. I scrape it off, put it in a jar and dispose of the waste water.
I imagine using the same principles only instead of using a stick (1/2 cup) of butter, use a half cup of that bacon nectar you set aside.

Now to make a simple (yet soooo CHRONIC:weed:) buffalo sauce..... in theory:
In a pan over low heat, add/melt 1/2 cup of Sriracha and 1/2 cup of bacon-weed butter. Add in a teaspoon each of soy sauce, white wine or rice vinegar, and salt. Boom!

Fry up about a pound of wings 'til they're golden brown & crispy and toss them in the sauce before serving.
Or if you like your baked goods baked (zing!), throw the wings in the oven to cook. If you're using this method, I'd theory.... taking them out the oven about 5-10 minutes before they're done, coating them in sauce, re-inserting them into the oven until finito, and them drenching them in even more sauce. This way more flavor is baked in, and now that I think about it you may even get a contact when you open the oven again at the end.

P.S. As a word of advice, I would suggest not cooking when stoned.... although, I definitely do. If you are a knuckle head such as I, set timers that remind you when you're supposed to attend to things. I want your taste buds on fire, not your house

P.S.S. Remember until I get a job, this is just a theory... although I have made weed butter, and I've made hot wings. Just saying...
.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannd I just looked at AK's cannabis cookbook. First recipe: Hot Wings, haha. Wasted all that time writing my thoughts.... could've had a V8 lol
its a great idea but i reccommend cooking your bacon over a lower heat in the over so that the fat renders evenly and does not burn like it typically would in a pan or on a griddle.
its a great idea but i reccommend cooking your bacon over a lower heat in the over so that the fat renders evenly and does not burn like it typically would in a pan or on a griddle.

I cook bacon on a cookie sheet in the oven on 350 degrees F. Flip once halfway through and in 8-12 minutes you have nice evenly cooked bacon.

As a side note, If you cook naked you wont get burned by popping bacon fat this way. :-P