Best setup for garage


I've been growing in a small room for a while and now and I've decided I want to go bigger, I'm also going to rent the room out to my buddy to stay in. I've wanted to move for a while and grow more but i haven't really had the urge to until now. I sold my last harvest and I've been saving up so as long as its under 5k I'll be happy. The garage itself is about 25'x30', has a smaller room, insulated and is fairly "sealed" considering i had 12 plants in there and could barley smell a thing. In the room I'm thinking about putting fans, filters, and what not since there are 3 - 12" duct ports with cover caps for fresh air in the wall and has insane soundproofing. For the actual grow I'm going to use about 10'x20' and line the walls and roof with panda paper. For lighting I'm going to use 6 -1000w hps lights w/ Pipeline 8" reflectors w/ cooling tubes. To cool the lights I was thinking about using a single 12" F5 high output inline fan running at 1880 cfm(might turn it down a notch though) pushing that into a 12" to dual 8" Y and running the lights in 2 rows of 3. This is as far as I've been able to get with planning. I've never done anything as big as I want to go and my last setup was 4 plants under a single 1500w and the biggest was 8 under 3 - 1000w ... This is all i can think of at the top of my head and I'm curious if there is a better way than what im thinking

I have a simple drawing that also includes a intake and exhaust in there and has all the lamps inline(might get too hot though). On the intake though it runs through 8" duct and has a 8" x 8" x 6" T and on the 6" port is a 6x6x6 Y that blows fresh outside air on to the plants or with the flip of 2 valves it will blow the air from the lamps onto the plants incase it gets too cold. for the exhaust though it is just a fan that pulls about the same amount of air out so it has a somewhat neutral air pressure.

IMG_1930[1].JPG IMG_1929[1].JPG
Like the drawing the only thing I'd do is get rid of the valve joining the two. Keep them on separate ducts, I've found the more complicated it is the more problems are caused. Maybe have fan controllers on both so you can dial it in.
For starters you better have at least 50 amps of electricity feeding that garage or you can expect problems. Most garages that I have worked in only have 1 20 amp line running to it. I figure 6 1000 watt bulbs alone would use about 50 amps and that's not counting fans ( which can use a lot of power as well)
I plan on building a 20x30 barn to grow. Love to see your setup. How high are you going with the roof and are you doing 1000w hps or de hps or what??
Actually, if it was me I would make sure the garage had a 100 amp service for that setup.
I'd drop a sub panel, small one, 4 bays, 2 for 240v, and 2-4 (up to 8 w/ duplex breakers) on the other side for 120v

Then you can wire freely and put the outlets where you need them.

To save money you can just add breakers I am sure, box is prolly in the garage... I just like the handiness of a small panel for garages, sheds, grow rooms, pump houses, all that fun shit....

Is that really putting the filter outside, at the end of the exhaust? How far apart is exhaust from intake?

I highly recommend building a barebones frame of 2x4's, toss up some cheap drywall panels.... staple your panda film to that. Its nice to have sturdiness and somewhere to mount some fans...

I keep looking at the pic and thinking you got the whole system doubled.... Just make 2 columns... 3 lights, a filter on one end, and a fan on the other, spittin outside. Those 90degree turns paired up at the end of each section is chopping your airflow so hard, and stressing your fans... as few, and as gentle as possible with the turns, always.

You are planning 6k watts, plus fans, pumps, etc. I assure you, if it gets too cold, the addition of a 1000w space heater for an hour or 2 a day wont register much, no need for weird HVAC experiments, lose that valve.

Always remember, air is stupid. No matter how you plan it to go, its gonna go the path it wants... dont let it self-circulate hot air.... 6000w is enough to cook the fuck outta some plants in a single day of 12/12 if its recycling the air over the bulbs....

In a 10x20, consider going with a 600w in the middle, if looking to save a few watts/amps...

Are you able to DIY a simple floor drain (or does one already exist) just... you know... cuz they are fucking handy.

Ok im done, lol
Hey guys thank you for the feedback and sorry for no response, I have been preparing for this for a while now and have changed a few things, going to be using 12 - 1000 watt lights that I got from a friend for cheap and a c02 burner . For the room we are just going to rebuild the inside, new walls, insulation, electrical and lighting. Me and my buddy are going to put in a Square D 200 amp panel and redo all the electrical since there Isn't even a box for the garage, just a single 15 amp breaker that's far away at my meter. Going to have each light on its own breaker ran with 12/2 romex and a dedicated circuit for heat as well as a/c, I'm just going to get a cheap whole house unit for cooling. Going to keep the room sealed and run a duct and filter system to keep the air fresh and clean on the inside and am going to duct all the lights to the outside to keep the heat inside as low as possible although I might run into overheating issues with the bulb during the hot summer days. All the light intake filters will sit up in the roof and will be put under vents in the roof, boxes will be built around to create a sealed but accessible "filter room" to keep things as airtight as possible inside the room. There is a lot more going to happen but is still being discussed, ill put pictures of the garage up in the a couple of months when I'm there so you guys can see what I'm working with
I would put a WYE on the 14" blower and split that off then start reduction, hook one row of lights to each side, much better flow that way. You can get a 14x12x12 WYE, maybe even a 14x8x8.