Best SHORT Strain


Well-Known Member
If you do not care about yield then look for Lowryders and Dwarfs.

Keep in mind you might get half a OZ or even a OZ off of one plant.


Well-Known Member
So im groing with 7 42watt cfls. Its 4feet 8inches tall 2feet wide and 3 feet 2 inches deep. Anyone hear if diesel ryder was a good strain? I do actually want decent yields if thats possible. I was thinking of doing a scrog



Well-Known Member
Taken from another site:

from what i read the diesel gets to about 18 inches tall without too much side branching and can yield as high as 2.5oz each with ideal conditions. i am going to grow them in 5L pots as recommended and try and put 30 diesels in the closet. i would love to hit 2.5oz per plant but would still be happy with anything over 1.75oz each. i have seen people getting 1.25oz using a 400w HPS so i dont think it should be to hard to achieve those numbers or better since im using 1000w. i know that 30 plants in 20 square feet may seem tight but thats why i chose diesel ryder for its main cola growth pattern and also since it doesnt have much branching. worst case i would do some mild pruning of the lower leaves when the plant has become more established and can afford to have them cut down.


Active Member
I'd recommend any lowryders or lowryder hybrids. I've also had great successes with Cinderella '99 and Papaya in height restricted areas.


Active Member
Another option is to learn to clone and put the clones into flower when they'll reach the maximum height you have. This opens your options to many traditional strains.

For example, germ a fem blueberry in a 16 oz cup of promix - this is your first mother - let it grow so you have a number of nodes to take clones from and top the plant to force branching, the top will be your first clone. Make a simple bubbler cloner, when they root transplant into 5 litre pots or into a hydro vegger if you want to grow hydro. After one grow you'll know the stretch for the strain you want to grow, let the clones veg to the height you need to max out your garden's height during flower - a stable blueberry might stretch from 8" to 12"-14" under a 3000K 600W MH, you'll figure it out for your set up.


Another option is to do what Lostcoastlocal is suggesting - train the plants to grow horizontal instead of vertical. A few years back I bent 12 x 6'-8' sativas parralell to the floor then around their pots so just the buds stuck up vertically. It was like a marijuana Christmas wreath.


42 w CFLs are going to rob you of yield, you may want to look at a low wattage HID or a T5 floro.

Have fun! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well this is pretty much going to be a great experiment, ill keep you all updated. so far im using some bag seeds that are supposed to be california kush. Cant find anything on this strain so it may be bull.


Active Member
Is this it?

Cinderella (C99)

The C99 has been hailed as the Holy Grail by Bros Grimm and is an extremely productive, potent plant and very stable. Growers often note pre flowers between the age of 4 and 6 weeks. Node 6 is commonly where they start, The scent is very sweet and fruity. It won't "fool" anyone who's familiar with MJ, but the average person might not recognize the scent as pot. They start to smell after 3 weeks of 12/12 and they're harvested 4 weeks later, so the SHORT flowering cycle helps a bit by lessening the amount of time your garden "stinks". The plants that show first are usually males. Yields are highly dependant on the methods used. Pruning style and number of plants/area make a BIG difference. Professional growers are often yielding around 2lbs/kW. The scent given off by Cinderella is NOT the typical "pot stench"...not at all skunky -she's sweet and fruity. Someone passing by the flowering room might not recognize the scent as pot and mistake it for tropical flowers. When you rub the resin you can definitely smell it. C-99 is more psychedelic be sure to smoke a little wait a few minutes, then think about whether or not you need any's easy to over-indulge and become paranoid. Specifications: ~ Flower: 6-7 weeks

spice brothers marijuana seeds feminised and natural


Well-Known Member
ive seen WW flowerd in a PC. you could do any strain you want with great success, All you need is the scrog or lst method involved.