Best smoking culture in the nation


Now I am just posting this to see what kind've responses I get, and to hear what people say about their own areas/states.

But I think, handsdown, the best stoner (if you wish to use that word) culture is in The Bay Area, primarily, the 707 (Humboldt, Mendocino, Sonoma) and the East Bay and Peninsula (Oakland, Richmond, San Francisco)

Anyone agree/disagree?


Well-Known Member
nyc, baby. best culture i've ever experienced. so relaxed, mad sources to get your shit, a lot of pot acceptance. ny rockefeller drug laws are bunk but what can you do?

but the best part about it... riding the trains high is a fucking trip!
i can tell you australia has the worst 420 culture hands down.
everyone fukin mixes weed with toabco 50/50 and use shitty lil coke or gatorade bottles man there is basically no culture in aus anyway man i rekon australia prob dirtiest smokers in the world theres no respect at all for the herb and noone knows shit bout weed here man its pisses me off haha
not to mention noone knows what strain they got its always sum random weed in shit lil bags