Best soil for organic?


Active Member
I want to start an organic grow and wondering of I should stick to fox farm happy Frog or try something new like the dr earth medicine garden mix. I just cant find many reviews.

I will add ¼ cup of Dr. Earth® Organic 2™ Starter Fertilizer into the top 4 inches of the potting soil. Should I add additional earthworm castings too or does the mix have enough and should i add anything else to get going?
I weigh all mine out. But I start by giving about 5 grams then bump up to 10 etc. I also am trying to stay ahead of the plant. So I’m feeding before the plant is showing any def symptoms.

I also use 1 gram per gallon of Epsom salt. But that’s every other watering or so.
I found that sphagnum is better in the sense of maintaining correct ph without additives in the long run. My first growing pots from 3 years ago still have the same ph. Im using it for perennials now. It holds a lot of water even with 40% perlite - 30% ewc
I mix 50/50 happy frog and ocean forest into a large storage container. Then following the directions on the box i'll add 4-4-4 all purpose, kelp meal, fish bone meal, EWC, 3-9-4 flower. I'll mix it all up and let the bacteria break down those dry amendments for 2 or 3 months before using. Then i cut OF with my mix and plant. During seedling ill use straight HF. But this has worked for me for a long time. Its straight watering the entire grow. Another note is to keep the soil fresh with nutrients i transplant a couple times.
If you do the up-pot thing, start with a solo cup to day 14, then go to a 1 gallon pot to day 28, then go to a 2 or 3 gallon pot to day 47, then go to a final 5 or 7 gallon pot one week before the flip. FF/OF, COM/SB, or ME/GS mixes cut with 30% perlite, will see you through from start to finish, with only water and a 1/4 tsp of Epsom salt per gallon of water for preventive medicine as a mg deficiency is the most prevalent deficiency that occurs when growing cannabis in soil or soilless mixes, and there isn't a bagged mix out-there that ever has enough of mg in it! And really a awesome resulting grow cannot get anymore simpler than that!
So I ended up starting them in solo cups of straight happy Frog from seed. A week later (yesterday), I mixed happy Frog, worm castings, and perlite, as well as 1/4 cup dr earth starter fertilizer mixed in at the top inch of the soil. Watered them with straight RO water and just a bit of Neptunes Seaweed fertilizer. I will probably put them in 5 gallons in 2 or 3 weeks of ocean forest with earth worm castings, perlite and the dr earth tomato, vegetable dry amendments at the top again. Also considering Roots Organics soil. This one, yea?
Haven't ordered yet.
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I want to start an organic grow and wondering of I should stick to fox farm happy Frog or try something new like the dr earth medicine garden mix. I just cant find many reviews.

I will add ¼ cup of Dr. Earth® Organic 2™ Starter Fertilizer into the top 4 inches of the potting soil. Should I add additional earthworm castings too or does the mix have enough and should i add anything else to get going?

I'd stick with FF and buy buildasoil ammendments with any extra cash. Big 6, craft blend and some earthworm castings. Dr.Earth stuff is good too.

Buildasoil? Genius, I'll have to check that out. :) Do you guys ever reuse the soil for a second grow?

If you plan on sticking with organic soil, I would definitely be reusing whatever soil you go with this time. There's a few different options as to how to go about reusing it, but I would highly suggest reading through some of the organics section to gather a wealth of info. Lot's of knowledgeable guys over there that you can follow in their footsteps or at least gather some ideas/basics of things to find what works best for you. This is why I love organics though, so many different options all centered around a few key things. The most important part of organic growing, in my opinion, is the compost source and after that, the paths are open ended on how you go about things.

Sorry for rambling and I am by no means an expert when it comes to all this, again, recommend the organics secton to help guide you through things a bit better. Wish you the best with your grows though.