Best strain to combine with LSD?


Well-Known Member
Combining acid with cannabis can be a crazy rollercoaster. Intense visuals, nonstop giggling and trippy mindfucks occur. I always smoke 5-6 hours AFTER I've taken the tab just to stay in this dimension and not freak out basically. Last three trips turned really bad right after I had some hits from a spliff( OG Kush auto from Dinafem and Lemon Pie from FastBuds). Is there a strain you recommend that doesn't get you paranoid and mixes well with acid? Maybe something with more CBD. Or maybe smoking pure CBD strains to reduce paranoia and FUCKINGGG THOUGH LOOPS? Thank you and God Bless.


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Yeah I read your thread, but had no helpful advice. Generally after LSD I will usually have had or shortly will have mushrooms as well then smoke whatever, whenever I happen to remember.
Ummm....I’m not sure, honestly, how many times I’ve tripped, but I can say for certain that I’ve *never* tripped without cannabis, and if things have gotten ‘nervy’ cannabis has always settled me...suggesting that indicas (more body/physical for me than the ‘trippier’ sativas) have triggered bad trips for you, leaves me wondering why you get high.

Seriously: cannabis has always helped me keep the trip ‘rideable’...and *combining* acid with weed, etc was only ever an issue when I was afraid it might be an issue. It sounds like you’ve got more things to figure out than ‘what strain’...”is my acid legit LSD?”, for example. Other questions have to do with set and setting (whore you tripping with, where are you tripping, what are you watching/listening to, etc). A left-field consideration would be your personal physiology, which I can’t even comment on.

Have you had the same sort of experience combining cannabis and shrooms?
You raise a new point. You should respect the lsd as much as you respect the X.

Have you had the cannabis issues you describe while flipping ?
Ummm....I’m not sure, honestly, how many times I’ve tripped, but I can say for certain that I’ve *never* tripped without cannabis, and if things have gotten ‘nervy’ cannabis has always settled me...suggesting that indicas (more body/physical for me than the ‘trippier’ sativas) have triggered bad trips for you, leaves me wondering why you get high.

Seriously: cannabis has always helped me keep the trip ‘rideable’...and *combining* acid with weed, etc was only ever an issue when I was afraid it might be an issue. It sounds like you’ve got more things to figure out than ‘what strain’...”is my acid legit LSD?”, for example. Other questions have to do with set and setting (whore you tripping with, where are you tripping, what are you watching/listening to, etc). A left-field consideration would be your personal physiology, which I can’t even comment on.

Have you had the same sort of experience combining cannabis and shrooms?

The acid comes from Israel and it's legit. I have tripped with friends, my brother, strangers that I would just met, older people, younger people, by myself and it was no problem. I have tripped in the darkness, outdoors, playing games, listening to dark psy or forest psy, meditating and it was no problem. I have mixed acid with mdma numerous times and it was no problem. When I have some puffs of weed, my heart is racing unbelieveably fast, one minute can last for AN ETERNITY and sometimes I just don't know who I am. I won't write any more details because there're actually countless bad moments and experiences combining weed and acid for me. The funny thing is that after the hits, I have the best time of my life for like 5 minutes and then it goes downhill to hell, and I mean hell. I will smoke 6-7 hours after the tab the next time for smoother effects. I have never tried mushrooms. Only truffles(Valhalla variety,15gr not dried) from Zamnesia but didn't feel shit. Ate them on completely empty stomach.
Sounds like you just need to skip the weed when you’re tripping...assuming you handle weed okay when acid isn’t involved. Human physiology is all over the map
Sounds like you just need to skip the weed when you’re tripping...assuming you handle weed okay when acid isn’t involved. Human physiology is all over the map

You know that this sucks so bad, right? But it's for the best. I don't want to be tortured. I will give one last shot to a 2:1 or 3:1 THC:CBD strain or something AND I will smoke minimum 6 hours after I consume the tabs. Thank you amigo.
I feel for you, man, I really reason to suffer through hell just because it *ought* to work. Be gentle with yourself, you need to last, right? Things may change down the road, but a bad trip is nothing to fool with