Best Time To Harvest????


Well-Known Member
ok so i was just wondering im about to chop my MK Ultra and was just wondering if there was an ideal time to chop...say when the lights first come on b4 they come on b4 they go off etc...etc...
thanks for the help....


Well-Known Member
I've never even considered it indoors, but outdoors I've always pulled first thing in the morning while the dew was still set. I can't say there is any particular reasoning to it, just the way the old man always done it.


I've always gave my ladies a 36 hour dark cycle at the very end. I just now started a perpetual grow so I don't think I'll be doing that anymore. I'll prob still chop right beofre the lights come on.


Active Member
So, no hermie problem with your MK Ultra? Was it the feminized version? I hear the fem MK Ultra is hermie central. Any truth to that?