Best time to start giving nutes seeds vs clones


Well-Known Member
Hey I was just curious when to start putting nutrients in the plants. I planted seeds Jan 19th, and I've been squirting the nutes on them but they seemed a little burned. So I'm done but I was also wondering when to nute the clones, as soon as they come out of Oasis? root wise


Active Member
Yeah, you can start pretty much straight away, but make sure you use a VERY weak nute mix, i.e: 1/4 - 1/3 of the recommended ratio. Alot of people just wait till their seedlings/clones are at least 2 weeks old/rooted before they start adding nutes to the water, but I've been slipping mine some, and they seem to like it :)

As you may have some nute burn, I'd just stick to water, or use a much weaker mix.. At the first sign of burn, stop using the nutes. At least in the quantity that was causing the problem, and NEVER give seedlings/new clones full strength... it's just asking for trouble. Kinda like giving a 5yr old a double jack daniels. Prepare for a disaster.

Good luck man!



Well-Known Member
I give my clones nutes a few days after they have roots and are transplanted to my final medium. I just start out super low and watch how they react and adjust accordingly. I started out giving 1/8 teaspoon per gallon each watering, and now I'm up to 3/4 teaspoon per gallon each watering (2 weeks into flower)


Well-Known Member
btw what nutes are you using?
I always give my clones a tiny bit of Fox Farms food when I'm trying to root em'...

Even the manufacturers Chart has a "clone" or seed feeding schedule.

I dont want em starving to DEATH for weeks. It doesn't seem right.

If you dont feed them anything, they will turn all yellow, and look unhealthy in a very short time.

We have all seen clones in a humidity dome looking shitty and worn out.

Its because there using there stored nutes
in the stem and leaves.

Give em a break, and throw em a Snickers :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks dudes, all your information been useful, I'm using ionic grow nutes and I hope to start cloning on the 20th. I guess I don't want to starve them so i'll wait till the copper spots are gone. WIll they eventually go away?


Well-Known Member
and the ratio for my Ionic Hard Water Grow is 3-1-5 and for my blooming, it's 3-2-6 thanks a lot