Best time to transplant


Active Member
wondering if it made a difference when I transplanted. If I should do it during the light or dark cycle or before dawn or after lights out


Well-Known Member
whenever you want, a trick ive learned after transplanting water around the outside , not into the center rootball. this will make the roots want to reach out for water, and help grow new roots. after about a week it will be up and growing good.. dont forget to nute up the new medium also !!


Well-Known Member
I like to do it towards 'lights out' so they have a chance to rest during the night, instead of getting pounded right away. But, I don't think it matters, I just like to be careful.LOL

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
well, you don't want to transplant at "night" and risk light stress / hermies, so I'd say definitely during lights on. towards the end of the cycle is a good idea.

I usually do them one at a time so they're out of the light for as little time as possible.

I also don't give them any nutes for a watering or two, before or after transplant. I wouldn't recommend adding nutes to your new soil, the new soil should already have fresh nutrients in it that won't be depleted yet. you don't want to risk burning the roots or stressing it too much