Best use for fish head and guts?


Well-Known Member
So I'm going to go fishing this morning and catch me a few rainbow trout. What would be the best way to use the fish head, guts and tail after cleaning my fish? There is a lot of wildlife around my place so I have to be careful where I put them.
So I'm going to go fishing this morning and catch me a few rainbow trout. What would be the best way to use the fish head, guts and tail after cleaning my fish? There is a lot of wildlife around my place so I have to be careful where I put them.
maybe dehydrate them by putting them in the oven @200 or so, then after they dry you can break it up like fish meal.
It takes a long time to break down and be available to plant.. If for next season..just bury it n mark your plots..if for this season I'd run it through a blender and make a soup.
As a kid, I'd go spearfishing and come back with some good sized fish. We'd bury the guts in the back part of our yard. Even a year later they were still pretty stinky. Our dog developed a liking for them and would dig them up so he could roll in it. He'd show up at the back door with a black smear on his back and sides. Oh man the smell. But the dog really liked it.

Nowadays I make fish stock and freeze it for soup. The rest get pitched. I'm interested in trying something better than just burying it and forgetting about it. The idea of black soldier flies sounds good.

I've never tried it but proponents of Bokashi composting (EM1) claim that fish remains, bone and all can be cleanly and odor free, broken down with appropriate care within a month or two using Bokashi composting techniques.
Kilo fish parts plus kilo molasses, add only enough water to cover/submerge the fish parts, then add 30mL of EMextended or two probiotic tablets. Seal in a plastic tub and ferment @68-80 degrees or just out of the sun for 2-4wks. Use up withon 3months of it being ready.

To use.
Dilute 1:100 by volume for foliar spray or soil drench (tea)

The bones, if any are leftover, should be saved until the TEK has a kilo of bones of any kind. Char them until black over an open flame or.the oven in broil. Mix with enough vinegar to cover the bones. 1:1 by weight (vinegar:charred bones) if you want to be accurate. Ferment in plastic or glass covered with a paper towel secured by a rubber band.

To use.
Dilute 1:100 by volume for soil drench and 1:200 for foliar spray.

Add a bit of ash if you are mixing the previous two and you got a full NPK with calcium and amino acids.

Bones will.continue to leach nutrients into the vinegar for 1-3 wks depending on on how finely crushed they are. And filter out the bones when done... THEN bury the bones. The fish amino acid extract should be filtered too. I forgot to mention that.

Heavier filtering from a coffee filter if you are using a pressure sprayer. Those extracts can muck up a sprayer head in a matter of minutes.
Kilo fish parts plus kilo molasses, add only enough water to cover/submerge the fish parts, then add 30mL of EMextended or two probiotic tablets. Seal in a plastic tub and ferment @68-80 degrees or just out of the sun for 2-4wks. Use up withon 3months of it being ready.

man I got all the respect for you if that's what you do... that's a lot of work..
if you seal it, doesn't it build up pressure?
seems like a bomb that I wouldn't wanna be in the "splash-zone"
Ha nah use plastic and burp it after 3 days or use an airlock like in brewing beer.
I go through coconut oil pretty easily with the family and the kind i get comes in a heavy duty gallon plastic pail. So 6 months later when the oil's gone i got a heavy duty pail leftover. Tuperware works as well but falls apart with use.

Fish aminos after a month of culturing 14644014528152031485137.jpg
Dilute 1:100 by volume

Just prepped today.
Fermented root crops for carbohydrates, trace elements, P, and K.
Carrot and turnip pulp after juicing mixed with 100mL EMextended and 100mL molasses. The carrot pulp filled the gallon pail 3/4 full so i added enough water to fill the pail. This'll be fermented in 1-2 wks when i strain out the carrot pulp to feed the worms. I'll use this in teas @ 1:100 or even 1:50 since it's mostly to improve the brix %

And a vermicastings/bokashi tea bag being brewed1464401540467391161021.jpgIt's brown mostly from molasses
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Rice wash starts to spoil after a week long fermation from. I use it for my septic tank. Ferment the rice wash, then, pour some in the garbage disposal and flush it down the toilet. Goes good on compost too. It really explodes the digeative process. Helps 3:1 Carbon:Nitrogen aerobic compost mature in 3 wks. I dont eat much rice so i use a tsp of potato starch per gallon of water with a tablespoon of EMe and molasses.

Coffee shops sometimes offer their spent grinds. I get them by the 5gal pail. Good substrate for bokashi.
i have tons of coco coir on hand so i just use that when i make my bran. i made a huge batch of em1 using the rice wsh tek. it was easy and now i have sooo much undiluted stuff that i think it could last me a lifetime
i have tons of coco coir on hand so i just use that when i make my bran. i made a huge batch of em1 using the rice wsh tek. it was easy and now i have sooo much undiluted stuff that i think it could last me a lifetime
Cool thing about lab grown EM1 is it's diverse yet constistently probiotic. Lactoserum focuses on native cultures and exclusively lactobacilli.

Here's EM1:
Microorganisms: 1 million colony forming units/cc (units/ml), 1%: Lactic Acid Bacteria, Yeast, and Photosynthetic Bacteria

96% Water and 3% Molasses

*Not all microbes are listed on the actual label.
Just for your own sanitation's sake, the rice wash should be used up in a week. The bacteria will shift powers to a less active culture and begin to spoil. Starting with a lab grown culture is much healthier. You'd need a compound microscope to faithfully say you're culturing only probiotics. A liter of lab grown EM1 can make 33.3 high quality liters of EMextended.
2016Price of EM1 23$ without shipping. So 30$ with shipping
30÷33=91 cents per bottle

A gallon of agricultural grade molasses is 5-20$ store to store. And will feed 135 liter size bottles of EMextended.

So, lets pretend like molasses was $20.
20÷135=15cents per bottle

$1.06 per liter of lab quality EM1.

Ps i respect your devotion to DIY haha. I made a rolling trash can of bokashi and am still using it. In fact, it's going past expiration after july... i've used about half so far. I'll probably compost whatever's left.
You don't store the rice wash. The rice wash just breeds the initial cultures.

I understand why people buy bottled em1. Its for ease but don't be fooled into believing that it's superior in some way because it really isn't. The extra cultures in your bottled em1 also naturally occur in home brewed lacto serum
You don't store the rice wash. The rice wash just breeds the initial cultures.

I understand why people buy bottled em1. Its for ease but don't be fooled into believing that it's superior in some way because it really isn't. The extra cultures in your bottled em1 also naturally occur in home brewed lacto serum

I'm starting a kambucha derived culture to broaden my existing spectrum. SCOBY mushrooms!
So I'm going to go fishing this morning and catch me a few rainbow trout. What would be the best way to use the fish head, guts and tail after cleaning my fish? There is a lot of wildlife around my place so I have to be careful where I put them.
The easiest is to let the waste rot down for several days

then squeeze the oil out of the guts

and use the oil as a form of hurricane lanterns

the bulk is a recognized and ancient delicateness in Scandinavian countries ..ugh

avoid adding to ur compost pile, the stink will kill you

but do add shitload of water animal shells.. chitian is a must for weed

good luck
I'm starting a kambucha derived culture to broaden my existing spectrum. SCOBY mushrooms!
hahah, careful dont drink it or u'll be fucking like puma according to wikipedia^.
I thought about trying a blended culture for oidium looking teleomorph status molds. Now i'm trying kefir (inmobile bacteria:finger:) thought on adding aq10 to the equation.
Dunno...maybe with the proper medium i could make it thrive through ph4-5 in order to alternate treatments (lactic acid-aq10-repeat) . It's well known it can be cultured in tweaked soil so maybe i try this after summer.