Best vape tank for flower and wax?


Well-Known Member
Dont know if this is the best section for this question but figured what the hell. Does anyone with expirience know the best 510 tank to vape herb and wax?

At least I only have a small vape, I can use my mouse without even putting it down.
It has been more than a week since I last bought smokes. Seems to be working.
Oooh, I ordered my first proper mod today, the ones I have now are almost toys, with tiny little batteries.
Can't wait to have something that can last a day or so without recharging.
Oooh, I ordered my first proper mod today, the ones I have now are almost toys, with tiny little batteries.
Can't wait to have something that can last a day or so without recharging.

Are you using it for vaping cannabis products, or as a cigarette substitute? When I quit cigs a couple years ago, I was using EVOD type pens and was a MTL (mouth-to-lung) vaper. I had to recharge every few hours. I started using mods with 18650 batteries (one lasts me all day) about 6 months ago, and my favorite so far is the Kanger Topbox Mini -

I have a black one and a silver one, with 4 topbox tanks to keep different juices in. I'm a direct lung vaper now, and haven't smoked a cigarette in about a year. I was able to quit completely because of one company, Blacknote NET juices. They get their juices from cold tobacco extraction, and the experience is the closest you can get to smoking cigs. They're a little pricey, but I'm worth it, and it's not nearly as expensive as smoking. I'm still coughing up interesting shit on a regular basis, to be expected after a 30 year nasty habit. I sleep and breathe SO much better now, it's amazing...
Are you using it for vaping cannabis products, or as a cigarette substitute? When I quit cigs a couple years ago, I was using EVOD type pens and was a MTL (mouth-to-lung) vaper. I had to recharge every few hours. I started using mods with 18650 batteries (one lasts me all day) about 6 months ago, and my favorite so far is the Kanger Topbox Mini -

I have a black one and a silver one, with 4 topbox tanks to keep different juices in. I'm a direct lung vaper now, and haven't smoked a cigarette in about a year. I was able to quit completely because of one company, Blacknote NET juices. They get their juices from cold tobacco extraction, and the experience is the closest you can get to smoking cigs. They're a little pricey, but I'm worth it, and it's not nearly as expensive as smoking. I'm still coughing up interesting shit on a regular basis, to be expected after a 30 year nasty habit. I sleep and breathe SO much better now, it's amazing...
Love my Kanger Subox Mini

I ordered the black one. Not a very pretty mod, the screen is pretty good though and not big enough to be a large battery drain, fingerprint or crack attractor.
It is pretty sturdy yet not very big, can take 30mm or larger builds if so inclined, dual 18650s and very accurate performance in all modes. Also fires faster than you can blink.
oooh, my mod arived... much smaller than it looks but with quite a bit of heft to it.

Just slapped my e-cig's tank on there and set it to a similar wattage, day and night change in the amount of flavour.
I like.
For simplicity for e-juice, now I have my Joyetech Penguin with an 8.8ml tank which means I'm not constantly refilling it, fits my needs there fine with a battery that lasts a couple of days. Cost me €20 direct from China, or less than half the price here where the maximum legal limit on tank size is 2ml.

For herb/oils/waxes I have the Boundless CFX which is a great portable with a great battery life, almost as good as the Mighty but half the price, a bowl that holds an eighth of herb and has two tanks for oils/wax, you can adjust temps to the degree instead of using presets and takes 20s to heat up to whatever temp you have selected. That was a tad more pricey than the Penguin, and wasn't bought direct from China, but it is a good one.
I kinda wouldn't like a large tank. I rarely put in more than 1.5ml of ejuice, as I get bored with flavors very fast.
I learned that I am oversensitive to some flavors, in that I don't smell them unless I dilute them a bit with a very bland ejuice.
Seem like less is more for some people.

I am RDA curious at the moment but do have my fears about leakages and spillage. The little tank I have on now is quite novel with its vapor flow...It has a long straw that goes down the inside of the tank and meats an opening in the top of the coil with an o-ring seal, so the juice has to go through the intake slots on the side of the coil, then be heated and come up as vapor with no condensation or spit back due to the length and a star spit back guard in the tube. Realy novel idea, wish they sold the concept with a better mod. Its original mod sits nicely in the hand but I can change the battery indicator colour over a cup of coffee.

The mod I have now ran all day on a pair of Pakistani cell shop batteries all day being used more than I ever have been able to use the small vape and it still has quite a bit of charge on.

Bought a new ejuice too. Grape ASAP from Nasty Juice... very grapey with a hint of cool menthol on the exhale, super smooth.
I kinda wouldn't like a large tank. I rarely put in more than 1.5ml of ejuice, as I get bored with flavors very fast.
I learned that I am oversensitive to some flavors, in that I don't smell them unless I dilute them a bit with a very bland ejuice.
Seem like less is more for some people.

I am RDA curious at the moment but do have my fears about leakages and spillage. The little tank I have on now is quite novel with its vapor flow...It has a long straw that goes down the inside of the tank and meats an opening in the top of the coil with an o-ring seal, so the juice has to go through the intake slots on the side of the coil, then be heated and come up as vapor with no condensation or spit back due to the length and a star spit back guard in the tube. Realy novel idea, wish they sold the concept with a better mod. Its original mod sits nicely in the hand but I can change the battery indicator colour over a cup of coffee.

The mod I have now ran all day on a pair of Pakistani cell shop batteries all day being used more than I ever have been able to use the small vape and it still has quite a bit of charge on.

Oh, I understand that and also have a "regular" eGo AIO pen, but since the main reason for vaping is for CBD then I'm not so fussed about changing flavours although I'll sometimes add some 0% nicotine e-juice just for the hell of it
yeah, the nicotine juices have a more realistic throat hit. I am quite happy with the lowest concentrations though.
Every nicotine juice irritates the hell out of my throat, making me cough my lungs up, same as I have a Nicorette inhaler and a Nicorette spray and they do the same thing. Burn tobacco, no problem, but as soon as the nicotine is in another form it just goes for my throat and that means I'm wasting money, bringing my lungs up and hurting my throat which is hardly the point.

So I stick to nicotine free, and am careful about the "flavours" as some give the same extreme irritation.

And the biggest reason for the Penguin? I liked the design, it's not the usual "brick with a tank stuck on top" so is that bit different and when people get used to seeing you with something "different" they're less likely to ask questions if I have my G-Pen herb vaper with me....
