sketchy fish
Hi all, now know about washing down with bleach solution, but from what ive read this virus can only be killed with antibiotocs so is there anything i can do to give me the best chance of it not coming back again when i start my new beans..Im having to clean the plastic bags that i use to pot my plants and basicly everything that ive used to water and keep them going from a to b..of.course the room as well..Im going to be adding a better filter to the air in this time just to belt and brace everything.basicly i was and use that word in the past tense as ive dumped.him now but had a mate helping me cause work and such but he started to water with bloody water butt water to save money!! WTF init..didnt tell me this till after we had dump 40 plants and 2 mums..thanks tips help..thanks guys..