Best way to add ZINC


Well-Known Member
I have a bubba plant that seems to be showing minimal discoloration between lateral veins, they have this light green tint to them. Pretty sure this is zinc def. Any thoughts on how to add zinc and what products or organic matter is out there to do so?
Solution to fixing a Zinc deficiency
Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have potassium in them will fix a Zinc deficiency. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients or it will cause nutrient burn!)

And any of the following nutrients will fix a zinc deficiency: Zinc sulfate, zinc chelated, or zinc oxides are adequate fertilizer sources for zinc. Or you can bury galvanized nails in the soil. (Make sure you take off the sharp point at the end to prevent roots from being damaged) Garden Manure, which is slow acting. Greensands, Cottonseed Meal are both medium/slow absorption as well.
I'm already applying q bloom nute with K in it. Possibly the PH might be keeping my roots from absorbing? Any thoughts?
Scuff up a bunch of lincoln pennies with sandpaper or a file, then throw them in there.

That will fix copper and zinc deficiencies at the same time, plus it only costs a few cents!
I think zinc deficiencies are pretty rare, I've never had one and I've been growing 27 years. Most likely a ph thing or other deficiency.

the soil ph is around 6.9-7.0 // I"m trying to bring it down my adding water that is PHd at 5.5. the soil does not seem to be responding to it, I added egg shells today and I"m waiting for them to wake up to see how they are doing. any thoughts on how to lower PH level. I'm using soil, 2/3 fox farm ocean and 1/3 perlite. using advanced nutrients triple grow, micro, bloom.
Without knowing what stage your plants are in I'm not sure what you should do. If in veg or early flower I would flush with ph checked water with mild organic bloom nutes and cal-mag supplement. It could be salt build up/nute lock-up. The more details you give the better, and pics make it much easier. Lots of knowledgeable people here that are willing to help.
I found that adding extra worm castings helps. FF ocean is good stuff, I use it in my mix but I add the worm castings, lime, epsom salts, perlite, pro-mix, FF happy frog and extra bat guano. It is a pretty rich mix and I use all ferts at half strength or less.
Let us know what's up.:leaf:
She is in her 2nd week of veg, I'm going to mix up a solution of 1/2 recommended amount of my bloom 0-5-4, and add a N-Cal-Mag nute by mendocino. Making it a very light nute mixture and going to have the ph at 5.8. Sound good?
Mr.Buds, a plant of mine is showing the same exact thing ... young leaves are "unpacking" with that light crinkly stuff between the veins. I'm growing them in Fox farms Happy Frog. I wondered "?zinc?" also. But after spending the morning researching zinc def, I am convinced neither of us is experiencing it ... zinc yellowing spreads in from the margins. I wondered "potassium? Magnesium? Nitrogen? so I mixed up some KNO2/epsom to 100 ppm N, 100 ppm Mg ... no response either good or bad. I will say the leaves exhibiting the odd coloration grow out "normal".
I'm wondering if, in my case, the cause might have to do with a) the weather cooling, with my indoor temps dropping, or b) the soil being a bit too moist. It takes over a week for my little girls to lighten their pots.
In the first pic, the fully-grown leaf to the right exhibited the stripy early growth. It filled in fine.
camdump 11nov24a 002.jpgcamdump 11nov24a 001.jpgKeep me informed - !! cn
Thanks the pics and details helped. If in 2nd week of veg the N-Cal-Mag nute might help, but I wouldn't do it at this time. I personally would flush with ph checked water add fish emulsion, it is a fast acting high nitrogen organic fert. I think "Alaska" is the brand I use. I don't think adding adding any bloom ferts will help(after seeing the pics), you already may have salt build-up or be over fertilized. FF ocean forest is rich enough for the first few weeks of veg at least. If you know you let them already develop a good root system adding nitrogen might be your best bet. If the roots need more development an organic or light chemical bloom fert may help. It does not do any good to give a young plant a shitload of nutes until it develops a good root system. The Alaska fish emulsion is cheap and almost every grow store should have it. It has been good to me for many years.
Hopefully you have a few weeks before flower to get this sorted. Good luck.
so weird, looking at your pics is like looking at mine exactly, the tips are also slopping downward and my older fan leaves also filled in quiet nicely green. You might have a point with the temperatures. My temperature goes from 80-85 degrees while the light is on and it can drop down pretty low when they're off for the 6 hours. It might be environmental stress due to such difference is temperatures. My only sative (trainwreck) is exhibiting some of the brittling that i see at the base of your leaves as well. The leaves aren't growing flat surface, they're more brittle and twisted type. Yesterday I watered the plants that were exhibiting the brittle leaves and the discoloration with a light mix of my advanced nutrients bloom, 0-5-4 along with N-Cal-Mag I have manufactured by mendocino. Today the Bubba with the discoloration between the lateral veins is showing sign of more rapid growth but the leaf tips are down slopping.
I also found this information, which is what I think it comes down to.

10) Leaves are yellow or white, but the veins are mostly green. >> Iron (Fe) deficiency. b) If not, go to #11.
11) Leaves are light green or yellow beginning at the base, while the leaf margins remain green. Necrotic spots may be between veins. Leaves are not twisted. >> Manganese (Mn) deficiency. b) If not, #12.
12) Leaves are twisted. Otherwise, pretty much like #11. >> Zinc (Zn) deficiency. b) If not, #13.
13) Leaves twist, then turn brown or die. >> The lights are too close to the plant. Rarely, a Calcium (Ca) or Boron (B) deficiency. b) If not… You may just have a weak plant.

my PH has been ranging from 6-5-7.0, I've been trying to bring it down but nothing really seems to do the job. When I waters yesterday I PHd at about 5.5....Ph today is still at around 6.8-7.0. I'm confused on this whole PH leveling if it's not just controlled by the water(mixture) I'm feeding the pants. I read somewhere that egg shells can help bring down the PH, tried that 3 days ago, no visual difference in my opinion and in my pH meter's opinion.