best way to fight thrips?


Active Member
any good strategies on getting rid of thrips? I see a few of them on a mother plant. i have neem oil and i can get some ladybugs from a friend... how shold i attack them first and prevent them from coming back ..? i dont want them to kill my only mother.. i need clones damnit!


Well-Known Member
neem oil works great.. it takes a couple weeks as neem oil is not a spot treatment.. after injested by the pest the neem affects their hormones so that adults cant not reproduce anymore, young larva never reach maturity to be able to reproduce, and eggs that are covered with the spray are suffocated..

to make a spray mix neem oil (i use 2/3 tablespoons per quart of water) with cold water and a few drops of non scented biodegradeable liquid dish soap.. its important that it is non scented and biodegradeable so that it does not affect the plant.. the soap just acts as an imulsifier..

make sure when you spray you spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves thoroughly... this ensures the pest injests it... if its not eaten its not effective...

repeat every 3 to 4 days for 2 to 3 weeks until pests are gone...

you can also root feed your plant neem.. this works in the same way as spraying.. but its another method of delivering it.. further ensuring the injestion of it.. neem oil also has trace elements that your plant needs.. so its good for them...

you can also add an inch or so of sterile sand to the top of your pots... this is a great way to get rid of any soil bound pest...


Well-Known Member
I just ordered some neem oil.

But have no clue how to use it.

Bought it from a oil lady on ebay, so it didn't
come with directions.

and of course, the search feature on RIU
is wacked out.

any help?

nvm. found a tutorial in the growfaq.


Well-Known Member
i think the best mixture is simpsamps recipe, with a half a can of sprite or seltzer water thrown it the mix

spray it on the leafs and on the soil at least once a week to ward off creepy crawlies

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i use raid 1 1second spray and sticky tape
but what every you do they always come back moreso with soil