Best way to germinate?


Well-Known Member
First time growing from seed. Researched a lot of different methods. Would like advice. Bruce banner , berner cookies, and sirius black all feminized is what ill be starting! Thanks
I would soak them in a warm cup of water ( Luke warm) for 24-36 hours then plant directly into what your using. What are you using? Just curious
99.99% success rate for me is soaking seeds in water, they'll float for hours. After about 18 hours or so, most of them should be on the bottom. If you still have some floaters, poke them till they all sink. Next drain most of the water out of the cup with the seeds still in it. Pour the seeds and some of the water onto a paper towel, and fold the paper towel in half, covering the seeds. Make sure the paper towel is very damp, but not dripping wet. Put them in a nice dark, warm place.. checking on the the moisture of the paper towel.. don't let it get dry. In the next 18-24 hours, you'll have tap roots. Insert taproot down in your favorite medium, give it a splash of water and watch it come up.
The only reason I would pre soak seeds for a bit is to soften up the shell, make it easier to split open and detach.
Other than that, straight into the planter, they germinate fine.
Pointy end up in a Root Riot cube in a prop tray with a little water in the bottom on a hear mat covered by an upside down fabric pot til it pops
Another germination thread with 6 different methods......... :wall:
The last time I was in a forest there were shot glasses, plastic baggies, heat mats, and paper towels laying all over the place.
You don’t mean you put them in dirt ? :lol: :hug::wink:
but soaking and clear cups or even paper towels do offer immediate affirmation
So it will always exist
Solo cups filled with coco. Soak coco with calmag water 5ml/gal, let drip-drain for about 8 hrs. Drop seeds, baggie domes which get removed once a day just for a second for a breath of fresh air. Easy peasy.
i reuse a diy paper towel/cellophane booklet. just spray with some old water, fold, put on the fridge. so far i don't ever see how a seed will not sprout with this method

i like it because i can see which seeds/strains sprout the quickest, and how healthy the taproot is. sometimes with old seeds, even though they sprout fine, they will not make it out of the shell before dying or rotting, so it is good to have the sprout unplanted so as to figure out if or how to remove the seed covering, otherwise time is wasted if planted directly into medium
i read soaking in a cup of water dilutes some of the nutrient from the seed that the sprout needs to start
...sometimes with old seeds, even though they sprout fine, they will not make it out of the shell before dying or rotting,
If they're in the actual growing medium when they sprout, they'll do well...who knows how many seeds fail by not being planted directly?