Best way to grow in a 10 x 10 space newbee

please a newbee...i have use of a great space...can use 10 x 10x concrete..painted has electricty and water....temp is 75% in summer...i want to do stadium style planting....just not sure what kind of system to grow with, and what would be a good strain? have purchased a 90w ufo willing to build own system...thanks nameless


Well-Known Member
please a newbee...i have use of a great space...can use 10 x 10x concrete..painted has electricty and water....temp is 75% in summer...i want to do stadium style planting....just not sure what kind of system to grow with, and what would be a good strain? have purchased a 90w ufo willing to build own system...thanks nameless
Hey bud, let me say first by welcoming you to the rollitup community; you may be a newbee now, but this community will have you educated in no time. I wish that I could help more, as I believe i'm still a newbie, with my first grow underway. 10x10x10 is a pretty nice large space to grow in it totals 1000Cubic Feet (VERY NICE SIZE). 90W UFO LED is probably only going to grow about 4-8 plants comfortably (I could be wrong). If money was no object, I would recommend buying an aeroponic system for the size of the room, you could have a nice setup. DWC is great, but I think Aeroponics is where it's at. Heat isn't going to be much of an issue, but you definately need a ventilation system (you don't want stagnant air in your grow room), and you don't want to keep recirculating all the time. So you should really design a ventilation system with some ducting and dampers that will allow you to flush the air in the room every so often (not sure how often you should flush though). The Ventilation system is probably the hardest thing to get done. If money is no object, I would recommend getting a CO2/temperature/humidity controller and setting it up so that you circulate the air just enough to retain CO2, but flushes some out for new air. You've got an LED grow light (which is great b/c you won't have to worry about so much heat to ventilate all the time like me with my 400w 120cubic feet room.
If your room stays at 75 during the summer, your LED and other equipment should heat it up just to the right temperature (85 Degrees Ferenheight) to keep your plants in. If it gets higher, you may need a portable ac unit (window units won't work).

Some people set up their ventilation system so that it is their 'powerful enough EXHAUST' is the only method of bringing new air into the grow space. In your room, you shouldn't need an AC unit, and this exhaust method should be perfect for you. Basically what you'll want to do is buy a 4" Carbon Filter Scrubber and an Inline fan (preferrably at least 250CFM). You'll put the filter on the blower and put the ducting on the other side of the blower and run the ducting through a 4" diameter hole through the wall. Basically you'll want your inline fan to turn on when temperature reaches 85-90 degrees in your grow space. Sufficient cooled air should be brought in through natural cracks/nooks/crannies outside the room.

I gotta get back to work, but I can help if you have any questions.


Active Member
Wow this is great! Good luck on your grow i have a set up am working with 2 just started this week! i have about the same room size check it out if you like i am also looking for advice if i find some ill let you know!

Goos luck!:hug:

Here is my 10x10x11 room!


Active Member
What type of budget do you have to work with? It sounds like you already have a great base for your grow.